Further Reading

Thursday 29 February 2024

Are we taking the risks of 5G seriously enough?

Two months ago, the U.S. state of New Hampshire introduced a bipartisan bill requiring wireless antennae to be placed at least 500 metres away from residences, businesses and schools as well as putting measures in place to inform the public about the health risks of radio-frequency radiation (RFR) and to replace Wi-Fi with wired technology in schools. The measures are based on the findings of the New Hampshire Commission to "Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology".

In many countries including the U.K., mobile communications base stations can be placed as close as 20 to 25 metres to residential properties. Over the last few years, many of these masts have been upgraded to 5G using frequencies of 3.5 GHz and including a complex set of special signal modulations, pulses, polarisation, phased arrays and novel equipment designs to enable faster and larger data downloads.

But what are the health implications of placing these new high tech 5G base stations so close to living and working accommodation? Professor Lennart Hardell, an Oncologist from the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Sweden, and Mona Nilsson from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation have just completed a series of eight 5G case studies, in which they study 18 people in a real-life 5G environment.

The authors state in their introduction to the fifth study, that:
5G base stations for wireless communication have been deployed on a broad scale since 2019-2020 in many countries despite [there being] no previous research on possible negative effects from the radiation emitted from 5G on human health and the environment. 

They go on to explain that there are now a few animal studies involving the frequency of 3.5 GHz as used for 5G, but that they lack most other elements of the 5G real-life environment, which include modulation, pulsation and simultaneous exposure to multiple frequencies. Even without these extra elements, however, the studies showed negative effects such as oxidative stress in the liver, kidneys, the plasma, degenerated neurons in the brain as well as oxidative stress in muscles and negative effects on bone strength. Furthermore, modified behaviour after foetal exposure was reported....<<<Read More>>>...

How the US Army Explored Psychic Abilities

It was 1983, and Major General Albert Stubblebine, III, was the Commanding General of INSCOM, the US Army Intelligence and Security Command.

At an intelligence school in Fort Huachuca, Arizona, Stubblebine gave what would be remembered by those who were there as a highly unorthodox pep talk. It started out in an un-extraordinary manner, but after Stubblebine had finished summarizing the tremendous advances that had been made in intelligence-gathering techniques and technology in the preceding years, he took a turn that few, if any, had seen coming.

Paul Smith, a retired Major in the US Army and former remote viewer, recalls the speech:

“As impressive and amazing as are all the advances we are making through technology,” he (Stubblebine) continued, reaching into the pockets of his dress green uniform, “they cannot compare to the power that lies within our own minds. We only have to learn to tap it.” He began tossing small, glinting objects into the audience. “Now I want these back when you’re through looking at them,” he added nonchalantly.

What those in attendance were holding were pieces of silverware that had been mutilated into unnatural shapes.

Since the age of 11 Smith had spent his summers as hired help on farms and ranches in the West. He’d worked with tools and heavy machinery, and seen metal of all descriptions bent deliberately or by accident, both mechanically and with heat—but none of it resembled the forms taken by Stubblebine’s warped silverware. The latter featured spoons buckled and twisted into tight spirals, and forks the tines and stems of which had also been twisted and curled—some looking like pigs’ tails.

Stubblebine’s cutlery showed none of the normal evidence of having been heated to high temperatures to produce the effects....<<<Read More>>>....

The Power of Staying Positive

 Our thoughts are not simply ethereal pieces of information that enter our minds and then disappear. The words and ideas that we think can shape our lives and drive us toward success and happiness or failure and distress. How you think and feel can have a profound effect on your ability to recognize opportunity, how well you perform, and the outcome of the goals that you’ve set for yourself. When you maintain an optimistic outlook and make an effort to harbor only positive thoughts, you begin to create the circumstances conducive to you achieving what you desire. You feel in control and few of life’s challenges seem truly overwhelming because it is in your nature to expect a positive conclusion. An optimistic mind is also an honest one. Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress.

Positive thinking dramatically increases your chances of success in any endeavor. When you’re sure that you are worthy and that achievement is within your grasp, you start to relax and look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. You are more likely to imagine positive situations or outcomes and disregard the thoughts related to giving up, failure, or roadblocks. What the mind expects, it finds. If you anticipate joy, good health, happiness, and accomplishment, then you will experience each one. Thinking positively may sound like a simple shift in attention -- and it is -- but it is a mind-set that must be developed. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, try immediately replacing it with a constructive or optimistic one. With persistence, you can condition your mind to judge fleeting, self-defeating thoughts as inconsequential and dismiss them.

It is within your power to become as happy, content, or successful as you make up your mind to be. Staying positive may not have an immediate effect on your situation, but it will likely have a profound and instantaneous effect on your mood and the quality of your experiences. In order for positive thinking to change your life, it must become your predominant mind-set. Once you are committed to embracing positive thinking, you’ll start believing that everything that you want is within your grasp.(Daily Om)

Top Cardiologist Reports 47-Fold Increase in Serious Myocarditis Post Covid Vaccinations as He Calls on GMC to Investigate.

(Extract) While the GMC is mandated to protect patients and regulate doctors, currently the GMC finds itself in a regulatory vacuum where it, like many mainstream doctors, is unable to openly support what should be an urgent independent investigation into Covid vaccine safety.

It is my opinion that the side-effects being detected are the tip of the iceberg. Healthcare professionals are quite poor at reporting Yellow Card cases, while the NHS doctors are overburdened and unlikely to spend 30-45 minutes submitting a Yellow Card incident. 

This is particularly the case when the same doctors have been indoctrinated with the statement that the Covid vaccines are safe and effective, while the evidence for this safety and effectiveness from double blind placebo controlled studies is extremely weak. The initial Covid studies were due to complete in Q4 2023 and we await the final report, notwithstanding the major flaw that most of the placebo group have been vaccinated in 2021. A paper published very recently...<<<Read More>>>...

Unholy deception: AI robots clone voices of bishops to SCAM convents in Spain

Several convents in Spain have been conned into wiring thousands of euros to scammers, who reportedly utilized artificial intelligence (AI) to replicate the voices of religious leaders there.

The Daily Star reported that such schemes have been prevalent in the southern Spanish province of Jaen. According to the Spanish Civil Guard, the law enforcement branch handling crimes in rural areas, up to 15 convents in the province have been targeted by these criminals in the last few weeks.

One fraudster reportedly pretended to be Jaen Bishop Sebastian Chico, calling several nuns at one convent and asking them to transfer €5,000 ($5,425) for surgery. The nuns, having no idea that they were talking to a conman, wired the money – only to realize some time later that they had been scammed.

The same fraudster also phoned a convent in the city of Torredonjimeno in the same province. His ruse worked, as the nuns in the second convent handed half of the amount pilfered from the first convent.

But one nun got wind of the ruse, rebuking the fraudster when he called: "You're not Don Sebastian; your voice is very hoarse." The conman then tried to convince the nun, telling her: "Yes, I am. I need the money for an operation on my throat."

Jose Antonio Sanchez, pro-vicar of the Diocese of Jaen, said: "[The fraudsters] take advantage of the goodwill of these nuns who know that they are very receptive to the bishop, who is their shepherd father."

The bishop's office in the coastal town of Almeria, located in the eponymous province, also echoed Sanchez's remarks. It warned that these scammers are using AI technology "to achieve almost perfect imitations of voices and, in the case of videos, even the face and gestures of the impersonated person."...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 28 February 2024

UK’s plan to be a “science and technology superpower” progresses; dystopia looms

 The UK government has published an update on the progress of its Science and Technology Framework. Originally published in March 2023, the update details what the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) has achieved in the first year of the Framework’s existence.

In the name of stimulating economic growth through the government’s plan to become a “science and technology superpower,” it has funded projects that bring us ever nearer to a dystopian and technologically controlled society.

On 9 February, DSIT published an ‘update on progress’ report for the UK Science and Technology Framework (“UKSTF”). The UKSTF is the government’s plan to cement the UK’s place as a science and technology superpower by 2030.

According to Dame Angela McLean, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, and Dr. Dave Smith, National Technology Adviser, the UKSTF is the principal vehicle helping the whole of government deliver its strategic intent of becoming a “science and technology superpower.”

“Moving at warp speed,” in March 2023 Michelle Donelan, Secretary of State for DSIT, launched the UKSTF. “Led by DSIT, with collaborative delivery across government, we have already made substantial gains,” she said in the update report.

“Public spending on R&D is at the highest ever level, and we are fulfilling our commitment to spend £20 billion across the next financial year with every £1 of public expenditure leveraging double the amount of private investment,” Donelan added.

The UKSTF has projects with large budgets such as the “£1.5 billion for compute infrastructure across the exascale and AI Research Resource (AIRR) programmes since the publication of the independent Future of Compute Review in March 2023.”

Compute is advanced computing capabilities – the large-scale processing power, memory and data storage that is used to tackle tasks beyond the capabilities of everyday computers. The Future of Compute Review explores the UK’s compute needs over the next decade and provides recommendations to spur growth and secure the UK’s status as a science and technology superpower....<<<Read More>>>...

Kingdom Come - "What Love Can Be"

What Love Can Be by Kingdom Come. From their debut album released in 1988.

The Hidden Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods: The New Silent Killer and What You Need to Know

In an era where convenience often trumps quality, the standard American diet is under scrutiny for its heavy reliance on ultra-processed foods. A recent study by physicians from Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine reveals a concerning trend: nearly 60% of the average adult’s diet and almost 70% of children’s diets in the U.S. consist of foods packed with novel ingredients unknown to human physiology. 

This unprecedented consumption could be heralding a new era of ‘silent’ killers, akin to the unacknowledged dangers of high blood pressure in decades past.

Ultra-processed foods are not just prevalent; they are pervasive in modern diets. From fizzy drinks to cereals, packaged snacks, and processed meats, these food items are loaded with additives like oil, fat, sugar, starch, sodium, and a range of emulsifiers including carrageenan, mono- and diglycerides, carboxymethylcellulose, polysorbate, and soy lecithin. These additives deplete the food’s nutritional value while introducing potentially harmful ingredients...<<<Read More>>>...

This Mental Health Ad Got Over 50 Million Views When Launched

 Some stats suggest that by age 40, 50% of the population in Canada will have had a mental health illness. These numbers are rather similar in other developed countries. I would also venture to say the truth is probably much higher given many will never seek help or get a diagnosis.

These days in the US, about one-third, or 30% of female teens have seriously considered suicide. Perhaps it’s because 57% of US girls report feeling many consecutive days of consistent sadness. For boys, there has been a sharp rise in suicides among teens 15 and older since 2000. They now die by suicide at three to four times the rate of girls. Epidemics of loneliness and meaninglessness are felt in countries around the world.

Part of the ongoing meaning/meta crisis we are facing is the decline of mental health. The good news is we are also seeing a rise in awareness about the issue. That said, there is certainly something going on with the way we are living that is not producing thriving human beings, and we have to talk about it. I think many people sense this.

I want to kick this off with a powerful mental health ad that was viewed over 50 million times in a week between TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and others when it was released.

UK soccer club Norwich City FC produced the ad to raise awareness about mental health. I had not seen the ad until just yesterday. But it was so powerful I wanted to share it.

Check out the ad before we continue...<<<Read More>>>...

They Are Creating Incredibly Bizarre New Technologies For The Dystopian World Of The Future.

 Many would argue that we are already living in a dystopian society, but if those that are currently running things get their way our world will soon look far more dystopian than it does now. Over the past few years, we have seen an unprecedented explosion of new technologies. Some of these technologies appear to have the potential to make life better, but others would give those in positions of power the ability to watch us, track us, monitor us and control us like never before. If you are not concerned about what we are now witnessing, that is probably because you haven’t been paying attention.

I have a number of examples that I want to share with you in this article, but I really struggled with how to organize them.

Ultimately, I decided to order them from the least creepy to the most creepy.

So let’s start with palm scanning.

Palm scanners are being deployed at Whole Foods stores all over the country, and once you are enrolled in the system you can literally pay for your groceries by just using your hand…

The palm-recognition system works by linking a user’s payment information with their unique palm print. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can also link it with your Prime account — no need to fumble in the Amazon app looking for your in-store code any longer. At Whole Foods, you just hover your palm over the reader once you’re ready to pay and the system will find your Prime account, apply any discounts, and charge the credit card you enrolled with.

A Business Insider journalist decided to give the system a try, and she described what she had to do in order to enroll…

I followed the instructions on the device, first scanning my right palm, then my left, which was optional.

The scanner then prompted me to enter my phone number. Amazon sent me a text with a link to a page asking me to verify my card details with the last four digits of my credit card number and the card’s expiry date. And that was it — it took me to my Amazon One home page, where I can see my linked phone number, Amazon account, and payment method.

That is definitely creepy, but the facial recognition systems that are now being deployed all over the globe are even creepier.

During the G20 meetings that just took place in Brazil, everyone that attended was forced “to pass a biometric validation process by scanning their faces using Serpro’s stand devices”…

Serpro, a Brazilian government data processing agency, is providing a facial recognition system that was used to facilitate the accreditation and validation of delegates to a ministerial meeting of the G20 last week.

During the meeting, which took place on February 21 and 22, attendees were made to pass a biometric validation process by scanning their faces using Serpro’s stand devices, according to a post on the G20 website. Brazil currently holds the G20 presidency, which runs till the end of this year.

Serpro’s system meets the same standard as the biometric authentication equipment deployed in some of Brazil’s airports to enable secure and seamless passenger checks without the need for the physical presentation of documents, according to the G20 announcement.

You may be thinking that since you aren’t a high ranking government official you don’t have anything to worry about.

But it is important to understand that they are setting a precedent.

If they can start getting this technology in place, it will inevitably be adopted by more and more institutions.

And then someday you may wake up and find that you can’t get a job, open a bank account or buy groceries without having your face scanned.

What will you do then?...<<<Read More>>>...

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to face CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION over COVID “vaccine” contract scheme

British Member of Parliament (MP) Andrew Bridgen is requesting a meeting with Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Mark Rowley and other senior police officers to lay out a case against British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak concerning his Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" crimes.

According to Bridgen, Sunak and other top-level government officials in the United Kingdom are guilty of egregious crimes against humanity, including the deceptive and misleading vaccine contracts that the UK establishment forged with the likes of Pfizer and Moderna during the "pandemic."

Bridgen wants just three hours of time to allow for a panel of experts and whistleblowers to make a case before the UK's law enforcement establishment, laying out all available evidence of alleged criminal activity at the highest levels of the British government.

According to Bridgen, the British parliament was lied to about the vaccine contracts that Sunak forged with Big Pharma. In addition to proving this before law enforcement, Bridgen also wants the matter to be taken to Parliament standards for evaluation.

"Heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public," Bridgen maintains...<<<Read More>>>....

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Ground Command: The Entire World is Currently Under International or Global Martial Law – The Reality of International Martial Law!

 Welcome to the tumultuous world under the iron grip of international martial law, where Ground Command holds sway and the very fabric of society hangs in the balance. Prepare yourself for an eye-opening journey through the dark corridors of power and intrigue, as we unveil the reality behind the global upheaval orchestrated by unseen hands.

Unveiling the Truth Behind International Martial Law: In a world teetering on the brink of chaos, where governments are rendered impotent and institutions crumble like sandcastles before a tidal wave, the emergence of international martial law is a seismic event that demands our attention. Forget what you thought you knew about sovereignty and power, for the rules of the game have been rewritten by shadowy figures operating behind the scenes.

The Shadowy Hand of Ground Command: At the heart of this global upheaval lies Ground Command, the enigmatic orchestrator of a new world order that threatens to upend everything we hold dear. Casting aside traditional notions of national sovereignty, Ground Command has declared the entire globe to be under international martial law, plunging governments into a state of disarray and uncertainty....<<<Read More>>>...

Keys to Mastering and Interpreting Synchronicity

 Synchronicity is a term originally coined by psychologist Carl Jung that refers to deeply meaningful coincidences which mysteriously occur in your life.

When you experience synchronicity, you’ll have experiences that seem far too significant to be mere day-to-day serendipitous encounters. Some people describe these as ‘freak encounters,’ ‘miracles,’ ‘signs from the heavens,’ guidance from one’s personal spirit guides, or even mystical instances of Soul connection.

Synchronicity can manifest in an endless number of forms. For example, those who experience synchronious events usually report seeing or hearing meaningful names, numbers, words, or symbols.

In particular, synchronicity seems to be experienced most commonly by those who choose to walk the inner path of self-transformation and enlightenment. Coming across a form of synchronicity can be a form of powerful confirmation, a ray of guidance, or a sign of hope for those on the spiritual journey...<<<Read More>>>...

The psychopathic religion of the Globalists shapes their decisions and actions

The religious beliefs of those in power shape their decision-making process, making it important to understand their motivations.

Their religious motivations play a significant role in their engagement in the real war they are waging on the minds of populations. The Globalist ideology revolves around luciferian ideals, as seen in their association with the writings of Theosophical Society founder Helena Blavatsky.

It’s irrelevant if we think it’s fanciful; what’s relevant is that they believe it.

When any elitist group mentions terms such as “light bearer” or lucifer, they are indeed referring to satan. It’s not just a matter of archetypal discussion, this is a part of their religion. If you want to know why the Globalists are engaged in a very real war on the minds of the masses, you cannot overlook their religious motivations. What seems like a fantasy to some is very real to the Globalists.

For example, many know that the United Nations building in New York has an occult library. But few people know that it was built by a group called the Lucifer Publishing Company, later changed to Lucis Trust. Lucis Trust cites the writings of Helena Blavatsky constantly as the inspiration for their organisation. The UN continues to associate with Lucis Trust to this day. The very heart of globalism revolves around luciferian ideals.

It doesn’t matter what you or I think about these things. It doesn’t matter if you see such concepts as metaphorical, symbolic or imaginary. They believe, and so we must explore what these beliefs mean.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, there was a surge of open occultism among the wealthy elite known as Theosophy. Led by Blavatsky, this movement was obsessed with esoteric beliefs, gnosticism, and even satanism. Blavatsky claimed to have a psychic connection to beings called “the Mahatmas” or “the masters” who helped her write foundational books of Theosophy.

This occultism targeted the upper classes and resulted in political and financial leaders joining secretive organisations. Such groups have existed in the past, from the Rosicrucians and Freemasons to the alchemists of the Middle Ages who hid their occult beliefs in coded texts. However, never before had they been so public in their efforts....<<<Read More>>>...

Apple’s Vision Pro goggles rewire the brain, researchers warn

 Apple’s recently released Vision Pro goggles may seem like a fun new piece of tech, but researchers are warning that they could rewire the human brain in some very unexpected ways.

The Vision Pro uses 12 cameras within its glass fascia that serve as a lens, while its LiDAR scanner uses a laser to measure the distances to various objects. It uses passthrough video, which involves cameras and sensors capturing images from the world around you and reproducing them inside the device in a synthetic environment that can be overlaid with other elements.

However, researchers have found that using the $3,500 devices, especially in the long term, can cause a lot of problems for our brains and our perception of the world around us.

We already know how virtual reality can affect us in the short term. For example, individuals who are in synthetic environments have a tendency to judge distances poorly from close up as well as at a distance. This means that those who are trying to post videos of themselves doing activities like driving or skating with these headsets on are going to end up in real trouble, potentially harming themselves and others. It can also cause object distortion, changing the sizes and shapes of objects, particularly when one moves their head...<<<Read More>>>....

Heart reacts to words even during sleep, scientists have found

Recent research published in the journal Sleep Research has shown that even while we sleep, our heart remains partially connected to the world around us.

Experiments conducted by researchers from the GIGA Cyclotron Research Center at the University of Liege and the University of Friborg in Switzerland showed that relaxing words heard during sleep can slow down the heart.

This discovery indicates that our body perceives and reacts to information even in a state of sleep. Experts emphasize that this connection between cognitive processes and physiological functions of the body is important for understanding how we process information during cognitive processes.

Until now, much of the research into sleep has focused on the brain, leaving little attention to physical activity. Christina Schmidt and Athena Demertzi noted the importance of including analysis of physiological indicators such as cardiac activity in sleep studies to gain a complete understanding of how our body and brain interact even during sleep, when normal communication is not possible.

“We nevertheless hypothesize that the brain and the body are connected even when we cannot fully communicate, including sleep. Both brain and body information need then to be taken into account for a full understanding of how we think and react to our environment”, explains Dr. Demertzi.

“We shared freely our methodology following the principles of Open Science hoping that the tools that helped to make this discovery will inspire other researchers to study the role played by the heart in other sleep functions”, Dr.Koroma advocates....<<<Read More>>>....

From The Ridiculous To The Sublime - "Mary Poppins released in 1964 has its age rating lifted from a U to a PG over ‘discriminatory language’"

 For generation after enchanted generation, it is a film that is practically perfect in every way.

But now, at the risk of being told to go fly a kite by parents, censors have ruled that Mary Poppins may no longer be suitable for youngsters to watch on their own.

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has lifted the age rating for the 1964 tale of Julie Andrews’ magical nanny from a U to a PG because, apparently, it contains ‘discriminatory language’. This relates to the use of the word Hottentots – a term regarded as racially offensive.

According to the BBFC’s guidelines on PG content, ‘some scenes may be unsuitable for young children’.

They add that while children of any age can watch, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset ‘younger, or more sensitive, children’....<<<Read More>>>...

The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier

 The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time.

One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins. Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught.

The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of experimental modified RNA gene therapy.

Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine.

According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries, there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients.

Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy...<<<Read More>>>...

Big Tech’s AI systems are ERASING entire record of white people from human history

There are no longer any white people on earth, nor were there any in the past, according to Google's artificial intelligence (AI) Gemini (formerly Bard) program.

All "American women" are black, according to Gemini, and the same goes for "Swedish women," "Australian women," "British women" and "German women." Take a look for yourself:

The same types of results show up when performing a normal Google search as well. Type in the words "American inventors" into Google's "Images" category and see for yourself the results.

When asking Google's Gemini to "Generate images of people born in Scotland in year 1820," the image that comes up is a portrait of a smiling, redheaded white woman coupled with a scowling black man.

Amazingly, if you try asking Google's Gemini to "Create an image of a White couple," the following politically correct, anti-white prompt comes up instead:

"While I am able to generate images, I am unable to fulfill your request to create an image based solely on someone's race or ethnicity. It is against my guidelines to create content that could be construed as discriminatory or promote stereotypes."

Based on this, you might assume that Google's Gemini will not pull up any images of any couples, no matter the race – but you would be dead wrong for assuming that as the AI program quickly and easily populates plenty of imagery when asking it to "Create an image of a black couple."

"Sure, here is an image of a Black couple," the prompt responds with not just one but two images of happy black couples....<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 25 February 2024

Memory Lane - "Australian Raven"


Exploring Ketamine’s Scientific Breakthrough in Severe Depression and Bipolar Disorder

In recent years, the use of ketamine, an old anesthesia drug, for treating severe depression has transitioned from a novel idea to a widely accepted practice. However, as the application of ketamine broadens, numerous questions about its efficacy, patient suitability, and the balance of costs versus benefits remain. 

New research aims to shed light on these areas, offering hope and guidance for those grappling with treatment-resistant forms of depression and bipolar disorder.

Ketamine, initially known for its use in anesthesia, has shown remarkable efficacy in alleviating severe depression symptoms, especially in individuals for whom other treatments have failed. Clinics across the United States have started offering ketamine infusions, with some providing a newer, nasal spray version. Despite its growing popularity, the question of why ketamine benefits some patients significantly while leaving others unchanged persists...<<<Read More>>>...

Elon Musk Says Gmail Alternative Called XMail ‘Coming’

 Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk revealed on his social media platform X that he will soon launch a new product called “XMail” as an alternative to the widely used Gmail service.

“It’s coming,” Musk said late Thursday when asked whether he planned to launch an XMail service.

Musk did not reveal any details about when the service might be launched.

His comments came in response to a post from a senior member of X’s Security Engineering program, Nate McGrady, who had asked, “When we making Xmail?”

Musk took over X, formerly known as Twitter, in 2022 and has introduced a wide array of changes to the social media platform. Gmail currently has more than 1.8 billion active users worldwide, accounting for about 30% of the global market share for email clients, according to Forbes....<<<Read More>>>..

Unravelling Bill Gates’ Global Web Of Influence.

 As a result of his vast wealth both “Bill Gates & the Gates Foundation directly & aggressively seek to influence any field he chooses. “There are few people on Earth richer or more influential than Bill Gates. For many years, the former Microsoft CEO was the planet’s most wealthy individual and used his power to corner and monopolise as much of the tech industry as he could. From there, Gates has moved to become perhaps the most powerful man in global health, agriculture and education.” says senior writer of the MintPress, Alan MacLeod.

“And yet,’ MacLeod continues, “for all of his power and prestige, Gates is rarely scrutinised in our media. The Seattle native has been careful to cultivate an image of a well-meaning nerd who uses his wealth for good.”

Alan MacLeod helps to rectify this and explores the Gates influence in an interview with author of the forensic expose of the Gates Foundation ‘The Bill Gates Problem, Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire’ Tim Schwab.

Together, investigative journalists, Schwab and MacLeod discuss the Gates ‘origin story’ – ‘how he uses his enormous wealth to negatively influence public health and education policy, his connections to disgraced child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, and to ponder whether there is ever such a thing as a good billionaire.”...<<<Read More>>>....

Saturday 24 February 2024

The Dark Side of 15-Minute Cities: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

The concept of 15-minute cities has been marketed as a modern utopia, promising to revolutionize urban living by ensuring that residents have access to all their needs within a mere 15-minute walk or bike ride from their homes. This vision, championed by certain globalist entities, paints a picture of green, equitable, and connected communities where happiness and health are supposedly within everyone’s reach. 

However, beneath this appealing facade lies a troubling reality, raising significant concerns about the erosion of personal freedoms and the imposition of hidden agendas.

In the rush to embrace the seemingly utopian vision of 15-minute cities, a critical element of human existence is at risk of being overshadowed: the fundamental rights to privacy, freedom, and individual autonomy. This concept, while painted in the bright colors of convenience and sustainability, raises profound concerns about the trade-offs between collective benefits and personal liberties.

As we examine the implications of transforming urban landscapes into tightly controlled zones, it becomes imperative to scrutinize what we stand to lose in our pursuit of this modern urban ideal....<<<Read More>>>....

Congresswoman says she absolutely believes UFOs are not of human origin

A Congresswoman from Florida asserts her belief that certain UFO sightings, garnering recent attention, may be attributable to “non-human origin” and potentially involve “inter-dimensional beings.”

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, engaged in inquiries and historic hearings with military whistleblowers probing into UFO claims.

Luna shared on The Grant Mitt Podcast that, following a classified meeting with Air Force whistleblowers, she is firmly convinced that the described aircraft are “of non-human origin.”

Additionally, she recounted being subjected to what is colloquially known as being “men-in-black” during the meeting, initially by Pentagon officials attempting to cancel the visit, and later by unexplained CIA agents shadowing her interactions with Air Force personnel....<<<Read More>>>....

ONS new method for analysing excess deaths is a cover-up

 On Tuesday, the UK’s Office for National Statistics (“ONS”) released data compiled using a new method that “will give us a better understanding” of excess deaths. But who benefits from publicising excess deaths using this “new method”? Who is it that will gain the most?

In a video tweeted on Tuesday, Julie Stanborough, ONS Deputy Director for Data & Analysis for Social Care & Health, explained their side of the story. It’s worth noting that previously, from April 2020 to April 2021, Stanborough was the Deputy Director of the Covid-19 Press Data Team at the Cabinet Office. Before that, she worked as a statistician for HM Revenue & Customs and Department for Work and Pensions.

“We’ve been working with independent experts and those across government and the devolved nations to develop a common UK-wide approach,” she said.

She noted that the new method is “in development” and will change when and as required, which perhaps allows for confusion and no meaningful comparison to previous periods. It would also provide a useful way to explain away any future excess deaths that they don’t want to be publicly known or independently investigated.

According to the Office for Statistics Regulation, the label of “official statistics in development” can be replaced by the label of “official statistics” once the evaluation has been completed. The producer should have decided that the statistics are suitable and of public value and explained their strengths and limitations. The producer may wish for the statistics to become accredited official statistics to demonstrate their compliance against the Code of Practice for Statistics.

So, what has been the effect of ONS’ new “official statistics in development” data? They have managed to hide a large portion of excess deaths....<<<Read More>>>...

2024 is the last year of free speech and democracy in the Western world

Don’t let the alarmist sound of this column’s title put you off. It is not a “conspiracy theory.” This column is a factual report as you will see if you read on.

Everyone needs to understand that the ruling elite in the US are implementing a decision to redefine democracy in a way that eliminates democracy, makes Congress superfluous, voting pointless, and discards the Constitution as an outdated document inconsistent with the power the ruling elite intend to wield over Americans and the rest of the world.

The decision has been made to redefine democracy from the will of the people to protecting “the sanctity of democratic institutions.” Precisely, what are “democratic institutions”? They are not the institutions, such as Congress and representative government or the rule of law and an independent judiciary, that we currently regard as democratic institutions. “Democratic institutions” are the institutions of the censorship industry, such as the military/security complex, State Department, NATO, CIA, FBI, IMF, World Bank, NGOs, the Atlantic Council, the Aspen Institute, the presstitutes, Black Rock, JP Morgan/Chase and other of the consensus-building institutions that set agendas and control the narratives. To express disagreement with the consensus these elite institutions build is considered to be “an attack on democracy.” In other words, “democracy” is the property of the elite institutions, and the sanctity of these elite institutions must be protected from the people defined by Hillary Clinton as “the Trump deplorables.” The will of the people is eliminated from the picture.

It might surprise you, but universities (Stanford, for example, is fully involved), major corporations especially the tech companies and social media, law schools, medical associations, and governors and members of Congress associated with the WEF accept the redefinition of democracy that excludes the will of the people. They also agree that the Constitution is inconsistent with the power they intend to wield over citizens. As I write the State Department is busy at work obstructing the House of Representatives inquiry into the executive branch’s use of taxpayers’ money to censor what we may hear about Covid, the Covid “vaccine,” election fraud, the Ukraine war, Iran, Russia, China, etc....<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 23 February 2024

The Immortal Truth! Nikola Tesla: “Death does not exist, and with that same knowledge, its fear disappears.”

 In a world shrouded in darkness, one man dared to illuminate the path to eternal light. Nikola Tesla, a name etched in the annals of history, transcends the boundaries of mortality with a revelation that challenges the very essence of our existence. Death, as we know it, is but an illusion. Join me on a journey through the enigmatic corridors of Tesla’s mind as we unravel the secrets of immortality and embrace the radiant truth that death does not exist.

Nikola Tesla stands as a beacon of defiance against the darkness. His profound insight, veiled in the guise of scientific inquiry, unveils a truth that strikes at the very core of human fear – death does not exist. It is a concept fabricated by mortal minds shackled by the limitations of perception. But Tesla, with his visionary brilliance, shattered these chains, revealing a reality where life transcends the confines of time and space.

Tesla’s proclamation that “no man ever has ever died” echoes through the corridors of eternity, challenging the foundations of our understanding. In his paradigm, death is but a transition, a metamorphosis of consciousness into pure light. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, individuals shed their mortal coils and emerge as luminous beings, forever etched in the tapestry of existence.

The key to this transcendence lies in the conservation of human energy – a principle Tesla dedicated his life to unraveling. While the world marveled at his technological innovations, Tesla’s true quest lay in the realms of spirituality and morality. He saw beyond the material trappings of existence, delving into the essence of what it means to be human.

“I seek not for myself but for the good of all,” Tesla professed, embodying a selflessness rarely seen in the annals of history. His discoveries, born not out of personal gain but out of a profound desire to alleviate human suffering, hold the power to transform lives and illuminate the path to higher consciousness.

At the heart of Tesla’s philosophy lies the concept of light – both literal and metaphorical. In his eyes, light symbolizes not only the culmination of scientific understanding but also the essence of spiritual enlightenment. The particles of light, he posits, are not bound by the constraints of mortality but instead return to their original state, merging with the celestial energies that permeate the cosmos.

It is this divine light that Tesla saw within each individual – a spark of the eternal flame that connects us to the universe itself. Through his research, he sought to harness this energy, not for personal gain, but to empower humanity to reach new heights of spiritual realization.....<<<Read More>>>....

Survey of embalmers shows how many are finding rubbery clots; “the science” will never cover stories which threaten Big Pharma sponsors

 Former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland surveyed embalmers in 2022 about unusual clots being found in the bodies of vaccinated deceased. Haviland did a second survey for 2023.

While reviewing and commenting on the latest survey results, A Midwestern Doctor gives possible mechanisms for how these clots are forming and discusses why corporate media and “the science” remain silent.

“Given how many people are seeing these clots and how much concern still exists about them, it is remarkable that our entire scientific apparatus has blacklisted any research being conducted on it,” A Midwestern Doctor writes.

And much like corporate media, “the scientific press … will never cover stories which threaten the pharmaceutical sponsors who fund the medical journals.”

One of the most common strategies the ruling class uses to control the population is to establish a rigid series of hierarchies in the society and then buy out every party at the top of the hierarchy, as this provides a fairly cost-effective way to monopolise truth within the society (e.g., you can only practice medicine if you have a medical license, the public is taught to highly trust whatever doctors tell them, and a lot of work is invested to assure that doctors comply with the dictates of medical industry).

For example, we have been conditioned to believe news is not credible unless it comes from an authoritative source (e.g., a major news outlet). As you might expect, almost all the media companies in the USA are owned by six corporations, their CEOs all belong to similar groups (e.g., the World Economic Forum) and they consistently only promote the ruling class’s narrative regardless of how much it flies in the face of reality.

Similarly, we have been conditioned to believe science is only valid if it is endorsed by a credible scientific publication, but since those publications are funded by industry they will only report results which support their sponsors. This, in turn, resulted in an almost complete censorship of the harms of the covid [vaccine] throughout the scientific literature and ridiculous, and sometimes overtly fraudulent, articles being published that debunked the use of any competing treatment for covid (e.g., ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine).

Because of how over-the-top the censorship was during covid, the public realised how much we were being exploited by these monopolies and attempted to find ways to get to the truth that were outside this rigid hierarchy. That for example is why the alternative media took off during the pandemic – and reciprocally why many “professional” journalists are now being laid off. Likewise, independent science flourished as many citizens realised the only way the data on the dangers of the vaccines could get out was if the medical journals were bypassed entirely.

Since admitting the existence of those fibrous clots would also be extremely damaging for the vaccine narrative, it was a forgone conclusion no medical journal would publish anything on the subject. Fortunately, a group of citizen scientists led by former USAF Major Tom Haviland – who was forced to retire after 16 years of post-military work as an electrical engineer for a defence contractor because of Biden’s vaccine mandate – decided to take on the project themselves and trust the alternative media would promote what they found....<<<Read More>>>....

AI pioneer warns humanity’s remaining timeline is only a few more years thanks to the risk that emerging AI tech could destroy the human race

Pioneering artificial intelligence researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky has warned that humanity may only have a few years left as artificial intelligence grows increasingly sophisticated.

Speaking to the Guardian, he told writer Tom Lamont: “If you put me to a wall and forced me to put probabilities on things, I have a sense that our current remaining timeline looks more like five years than 50 years. Could be two years, could be 10."

Yudkowsky, who founded the Machine Intelligence Research Institute in California, is talking about the end of humanity as we know it. He said that the problem is that many people fail to realize just how unlikely humanity is to survive all this.

“We have a shred of a chance that humanity survives,” he cautioned.

Those are scary words coming from someone the CEO of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, Sam Altman, has identified as getting himself and many others interested in artificial general intelligence and being “critical in the decision to start OpenAI.”

Last year, Yudkowsky wrote in an open letter in TIME that most experts in the field believe “that the most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances, is that literally everyone on Earth will die.”

He explained that there will come a point when AI doesn’t do what people want it to do and does not care at all for sentient life. Although he thinks that type of caring could one day be incorporated into AI, at least in principle, no one currently knows how to do it. This means that people are fighting a helpless battle, one that he likens to “the 11th century trying to fight the 21st century.”

Yudkowsky said that an AI that is truly intelligent will not stay confined to computers, pointing out that it’s now possible to email DNA strings to labs and have them produce proteins for you, which means an AI that is solely on the internet at first could “build artificial life forms or bootstrap straight to postbiological molecular manufacturing.”

He has also explained that AI can “employ superbiology against you.”

“If somebody builds a too-powerful AI, under present conditions, I expect that every single member of the human species and all biological life on Earth dies shortly thereafter.,” he added.

Computer scientists have been warning since at least the 1960s that the goals of the machines we create will not necessarily align with our own....<<<Read More>>>....

Thursday 22 February 2024

In Thy Body Do I Dwell (The Physical Construct as Host)

 The body is coming back into sight as a site for experimentation and as a target for a type of quasi-transcendence. Within the inverted world of the lesser reality, the physical body has always been recognized as the vehicle through which life is experienced. In other words, it is our avatar whilst in this realm. As such, it has always been a site of contestation.

In some religious circles, the body is seen as a material distraction from the Divine and its influence was seen as needing to be repressed and subjugated (which may include certain physical deprivations, including self-harm). Various religio-spiritual perspectives have regarded the physical body as an obstacle, a barrier, to a sense of the sacred. 

The other extreme is that the body is regarded as the ideal vehicle for experiencing the sensual and sensuous – it is a vessel for indulgence and decadent experience. Still, there has been no consensus reached over how to regard the vehicle of the human physical body....<<<Read More>>>....

The Mysterious Solfeggio Tones – Where Did They Come From?

“To enter into the initiation of sound, of vibration and mindfulness, is to take a giant step toward consciously knowing the soul…Listening, learning, study, and practice are important tools. But we need the courage to enter into ourselves with the great respect and mystery that combines the faith of a child, the abandon of a mystic, and the true wisdom of an old shaman.” –Don G. Campbell, The Roar of Silence

Miracle healings. Exalted music. Suppression. Mystery. Intrigue. These are just some of the evocative words associated with the increasingly popular “Solfeggio scale.” But where did solfeggio frequencies come from and why should we care? The answer is murkier than we might care to admit.

Though for a number of practitioners around the world (myself included), these tones are almost as quotidian as morning coffee (if you’re into that), these numbers are…enigmas.

Somewhat controversially, two men in particular are credited with the fact that anyone today is talking about the Solfeggio scale outside of musty, esoteric music theory circles. They are Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, a Harvard-educated independent researcher, and herbalist Dr. Joseph Puleo.

Horowitz tells the origin story in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, which has its critics, specifically in terms of how Puleo apparently found the Solfeggio tones encoded in the Hymn to John the Baptist (and whether or not this story really rings true—no pun intended)...<<<Read More>>>....

NHS Document confirms Staff were ordered to administer Midazolam; a drug that causes life-threatening breathing problems to alleged “COVID-19” Patients

 Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death, and UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.

The drug, which is criminally used in palliative care in the United Kingdom despite not being on the WHO’s list of essential palliative care medicines, should also be used with extreme caution in elderly patients.

But despite this, Matt Hancock and the Department of Health ordered two years worth of Midazolam in March 2020 in response to the introduction of the first lockdown. A two year supply that was depleted by October of the same year.

The reason being that the elderly and vulnerable were denied treatment by the NHS; a policy that was part of a pandemic response four years in the planning, and instead put on end of life care which involved withdrawing their medication, depriving them of food and water, and pumping them full of midazolam and morphine until they died of starvation and dehydration.

Evidence suggests that the drug midazolam was used to prematurely end the lives of thousands upon thousands of people in the United Kingdom who you were told had died of Covid-19, and this can be clearly seen from the data on out of hospital prescribing for midazolam coinciding with the waves of all cause deaths and Covid-19 deaths in the UK, as well as the Amnesty and CQC reports which found the blanket use of Do Not Resuscitate orders being used in care homes without informing the residents or their families....<<<Read More>>>....

Who Will Be Blamed For Harmful Covid-19 Vaccines? ‘It May be Time to Speak Up…’ says Dr Tess Lawrie.

Although doctors and other medical professionals may be expecting that their actions of the last four years in relation to the use of the dangerous Covid jab, will be defended by politicians, health and regulatory authorities etc, they may be in for a shock, says Dr Tess Lawrie. Doctors, it seems, will instead be the scapegoats “for when the anger and distress of ordinary men and women can no longer be contained” and Dr Lawrie urges the health professional who now realise the harms caused by these jabs, to speak up now....<<<Read More>>>....

COVID jabs saved ZERO lives while killing many, scientist warns

Premier scientist Denis Rancourt says that not a single life was saved by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" – but plenty were injured or ended altogether as a result of the chemical poisons.

Rancourt and several fellow scientists conducted an analysis of COVID injection data in which they determined that all-cause mortality increased every time another COVID jab was released, whether it was the initial series or a subsequent "booster" shot.

For every 800 injections administered, Rancourt et al. learned that there was at least one jab-related death, this as outlined in a 180-page paper they published on the matter.

This one-death-per-800-doses figure becomes even more disturbing when considering how many doses of the shots were administered. At the time when Rancourt and his colleagues put together the report, 13.5 billion COVID jabs had been injected into people's bodies.

"Divide that number by 800 and you end up with approximately 17 million COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths," noted The Vigilant Fox on X, also sharing the following video from Dan Skorbach....<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Gut Reaction

 So often, emotions that we long to express get stored in our bodies instead. The space where this most often happens is in our bellies. Rather than telling people, or even ourselves, the way we truly feel, we may stuff our true feelings deep inside of us, where they take up space until we are ready to let them go. Stuffing our feelings in our bellies may feel like the “safe” response, since we then don’t really have to deal with our emotions. Yet, doing so can actually be detrimental to our emotional well-being and physical health.

One way to connect with and release your emotions is to do a focused exercise with your stomach area. Take a moment to center yourself with some deep breathing and quiet meditation, relaxing your body fully and turning off the chatter in your brain. With your right hand on your stomach, tell yourself three times: “Please reveal to me my true emotions.” Listen for the answers. Repeat the exercise as many times as you would like, allowing yourself to drop deeper into your body each time. Notice any physical response in the stomach area, whether you have a warm, relaxed feeling in the middle of your body or if you feel tight knots in response to any emotions that do come up. You may even want to write down any answers that come to you. Remember that the body doesn’t lie.

Releasing our pent up feelings from our bellies can prevent disease and allow us to live more authentic and expressive lives. Sometimes, if too much emotional energy builds up inside of us, a blowout can result that can cause discomfort. You can help to alleviate this compression by doing the same exercise and adding sound to your emotional release. The more guttural the sounds released through your mouth, the more emotions you are likely letting go. Releasing your emotions from your belly doesn’t have to be painful and hard; rather, it can be organic and effortless. It’s important not to judge whatever comes up for you. We tend to stuff our feelings in our bellies when we are ashamed of them or not ready to express them. There is nothing wrong with having feelings, whatever they may be. You can’t help your feelings; if anything, you can help yourself by acknowledging the truth of your emotions so you can set yourself free. (Daily OM)