Further Reading

Monday 4 March 2024

585 million killed or injured and massive harm to pregnant women by covid injections, doctor says placing American medical organisations on notice

 In a bold move to protect patient health, Dr. James Thorp, a prominent obstetrician and maternal foetal medicine specialist, has issued a stark warning to leading medical organisations regarding the administration of covid-19 vaccines to pregnant women.

Dr. Thorp, with over four decades of experience in obstetrics, issued a formal notice to the American College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (“ACOG”), the American Board of ObGyn (“ABOG”), and the Society for Maternal Foetal Medicine (“SMFM”), demanding an immediate cessation of covid vaccine usage in pregnancy.

You are placed on formal notice. You must call for an immediate moratorium on the use of the covid-19 “Vaccines” in pregnancy or you will be subject to Civil and/or Criminal charges for negligence, intent to harm, assault/battery and murder,” Dr. Thorp posted on Twitter.

Best estimates are 585 million global citizens killed or injured from the covid-19 “vaccines” and you have inflicted massive harm to pregnant women, pre-borns, and newborns on a global scale.”

Notice to the Board of Directors and/or Officers of the following Organisations, American College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists http://ACOG.org, American Board of ObGyn http://ABOG.org, and the Society for Maternal Foetal Medicine http://SMFM.org.

You are placed on formal notice. You must call for an immediate moratorium on the use of the covid-19 “vaccines” in pregnancy or you will be subject to Civil and/or Criminal charges for negligence, intent to harm, assault/battery and murder.

There is now overwhelming published literature of over 3,000 peer-reviewed medical journal articles associating death and injuries from these alleged vaccines that the most recent AJOG article admits are in fact gene therapies. ACOG, ABOG, and SMFM you appear to have colluded not only with yourselves but also to have received what appears to be large sums of money from HHS / CDC entering into apparent illegal cooperative care contracts and you have threatened your constituents to adhere to your lethal and injurious vaccine pushing narrative under threats of punitive actions. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment.

The recent published literature regarding implications of the vaccine mRNA and potential for it being reverse transcribed permanently into the human genome mandates an immediate global moratorium on the covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy.

The overwhelming literature published- well in excess of 3,000 manuscripts documenting the death and severe injuries from the covid-19 “vaccines” necessitates an IMMEDIATE GLOBAL MORATORIUM.

Best estimates are 585 million global citizens killed or injured from the covid-19 “vaccines” and you have inflicted massive harm to pregnant women, pre-borns, and newborns on a global scale.

ACOG, ABOG, and SMFM, you have ignored the overwhelming evidence for far too long and you must immediately call for a moratorium on the use of these investigational dangerous products in pregnancy or face civil and/or criminal charges....<<<Read More>>>...