Further Reading

Monday 18 March 2024

Beyond the Time Barrier: Timeslip in Oxton, England

 In August 2009, a 42-year-old lady named Helen left her flat on Talbot Road in Oxton, England, and walked 600 yards to her local – the Caernarvon Castle, where she enjoyed a half of lager in the pub car park with many other customers who were enjoying a drink and a meal as they made the most of the unpredictable English summer.

Helen was feeling a bit down because she had just split with Mike, her boyfriend of two years, and every time she thought of some hurtful memory of their time together, she would imagine she was sticking a label with the words “bad thought” on a little thought balloon – a technique her doctor had told her to try as a form of cognitive behavioural therapy.

Helen looked about, people-watching, and then after a Bacardi and coke she decided to walk home.

She was just leaving the car park of the Caernarvon Castle, when a car decelerating on Bidston Road beeped its horn. Helen noticed the car was an old fashioned model, and saw the name “Corsair” on its boot. The Ford Corsair halted just ahead of Helen and the driver, a woman aged about 25, with a babushka scarf on and a pair of sunglasses shouted something to her.

Helen went to the offside of the vintage vehicle to see what the driver wanted. ‘Could you possibly direct me to Ingestre Court?’ said the woman in a well-spoken voice.

‘Yes, it’s straight down this road, and to the right,’ answered Helen, ‘I live in the flats near there.’

‘Oh, do you fancy a lift there then? And you can show me the way?’ asked the woman, who adjusted her shades and peeped over them with a huge pair of friendly sky-blue eyes.

‘Yes, of course, thanks,’ said Helen, and she got into the car. Seconds after this, Helen noticed that all of the cars travelling up and down Bidston Road were vehicles that looked as if they were from the 1960s and 1970s.....<<<Read More>>>....