After years of denial and fearmongering, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now telling people not to worry about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19): It is no worse than seasonal influenza. New CDC guidelines for travelers suggest treating the threat of COVID the same way as the threat of flu. If you have the sniffles or any other flu symptoms, the CDC advises that you stay home until they subside and proceed with caution after that.
"COVID-19 is still an important public health threat, but it is not the emergency that it once was," said Dr. Brendan Jackson, head of the respiratory virus response unit at the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease.
"And its health impacts increasingly resemble those of other [respiratory viral] illnesses, including influenza and RSV."
Most Americans have long forgotten about COVID as it is, and were largely already treating it like the flu, or even as a hoax, ever since the jig was up in 2021. Even so, the CDC is trying to stay relevant by catching up with the times and pretending as though its latest "science" matches what many have known for years about the non-threat of COVID....<<<Read More>>>...
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