“Project Bluebeam” refers to an unsubstantiated theory which postulates
the use of highly sophisticated technology that creates holographic
projections which look extremely real.
Many people believe the
UFO phenomenon to be a result of this, used by the elite to stage
sightings around the world. Others tend to believe the phenomenon is a
real physical one that’s created and perpetuated by the elite for
ulterior motives. And of course, others believe that the phenomenon is
real, nuanced, and involves agency on the part of non-human intelligent
It’s plausible to assume that governments, and those who
exercise control over them, will lie when relaying information about
UFOs to the public. At this point it’s impractical to expect a holistic
and accurate portrayal of global issues and events from governments and
mainstream media.
What we usually receive is a false narrative
that serves the interests of the few in power. I wouldn’t be surprised
to see UFOs, or as they’ve been rebranded, “Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena,” be subjected to similar treatment. Perhaps this includes a
“threat” narrative that isn’t entirely accurate or indicative of the
What many “Project Bluebeamers” don’t take into
account is the fact that sightings of mysterious objects date back
thousands of years. The phenomenon is quite old, and modern day
sightings seen by people from all walks of life and professions share
definite similarities to those documented hundreds and thousands of
years ago....<<<Read More>>>....