Further Reading

Sunday 10 March 2024

The 1918 ‘Pandemic’ & the Viral Theory – ‘The Unproven Notion of Airborne Viral Illness That has Enslaved Humanity to the Corrupt Medical Cartel.’

 There are multiple lines of evidence to dispute the classic viral disease paradigm, including historical records, biological evidence (or lack thereof) and clinical “experiments” according to Dr Lee Merritt. 

Yet, while this is true, there are many self professed “awake” individuals who although are willing to accept that we have been continually lied to on a grand scale to enable our enslavement, will not open their minds even to the possibility that one of those lies has been the unproven viral disease paradigm.

Orthopaedic surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr Merritt writes “I hear it all the time. From Physicians, “How can you say viruses don’t exist? I treat people with viral illness all the time.” Or from patients, “My whole family got really sick—so there must be viruses!” Dr Merritt adds “Let’s be clear. There is disease, as in “Dis-Ease”. People get sick and some die of the sickness. And I can admit to the ability of harvesting tissue from one animal and injecting it into another species and causing disease– as Judy Mikovits describes it—“infection by injection”. But that does not prove the existence of invisible, sub-microscopic unicorns that fly from one person’s nose to another as the CAUSE of that disease.

“It is the unproven notion of airborne viral illness that has enslaved humanity to the corrupt medical cartel.“

“What better psychological wedge can be implemented against humanity than making people afraid of invisible emanations from other people?” she asks....<<<Read More>>>....