Further Reading

Saturday 23 March 2024

The List of Reasons for Increased Sudden Deaths and Strokes, According to the Mainstream Media.

There has been an escalating war on freedom of speech and the freedom of free press and an intolerance of any criticism of any media coverage of the government agenda, particularly concerning all things convid the adverse events of the covid jab. According to Filipe Rafaeli “Since everyone is seeing many people suddenly dying and others with cardiovascular diseases, the mainstream media needed to talk about heart attacks and sudden deaths. It made headlines. They needed to explain” but they have used the most “curious explanations” since 2021, in their attempt to normalise it.

We have observed prosecutions of media sources, journalists and publishers which have been endorsed by politicians on both sides of the political spectrum, which began a decade ago with the prosecution of whistleblowers. “The U.S. campaign to tamp down leaks has spread to the criminalisation of standard investigative journalism […] “now Journalists and media sources are at severe risk of increased criminal investigation and prosecution due to draconian laws. according to journalists at the Salon, who add “The U.S. “still presents itself as the global standard-bearer for free speech and freedom of the press, recent fissures expose a looming calamity.”

Some journalists are protecting themselves from this “calamity” and are shamelessly reporting on issues pushing a narrative to suit the government no matter how ridiculous it may sound. For example, yesterday the Expose reported on a “get-tough-on-speech” approach advocated by the mainstream publications the Globe and Mail who would like us to believe that a rigid regulation of speech will “protect democracy and safeguard our most basic freedoms.”

Instead, it will protect government agendas from being exposed and opposed, it will also protect, those shameless journalists who have sold their souls aiding and abetting the idiocracy, those pushing narratives in the mainstream media which are ultimately to the detriment of themselves as well as all of humanity. These are the journalists that we will be left with if the globalists have their way. In the article below Filipe Rafaeli has compiled a list of ridiculous headlines and reports written by some of these journalists who give reasons for the increased sudden deaths and strokes which is an example of the intelligence insulting, unopposed “news” that we will be force fed....<<<Read More>>>..