“We have lived through a dark time” said Professor Dr. Stefan Homburg in a speech delivered last year and was reported in the Exposé
soon after. However, the video of the speech has had a new lease of
life on the X platform and is said to have gone viral. Dr David Cartland
shared the video and wrote in his Tweet:
“Penny is dropping
everywhere! I wouldn’t want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse
or one that knows deep down what’s happened and the collateral
harms/injuries/deaths but is remaining silent to calling out the biggest
medical fraud/crime ever committed on humanity! Justice is coming…..the
house of cards is collapsing!”
The speech was from the 2nd
Coronavirus Symposium was held in the German Bundestag, which Dr Homburg
attended on 11th November 2023 along with several prominent voices
against unscientific measures and the harmful vaccination campaign.
Among others, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Dr.
Stefan Hockerz, Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen and many other important
critical voices who have spoken out during the coronavirus era....<<<Read More>>>...