Further Reading

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Will a false bird flu pandemic be the end of animal agriculture and usher in food rationing?

The overhyped threat of a human bird flu pandemic is a hoax to “reset” our food system argues Alexis Baden-Mayer.

As we’ve mentioned in previous articles if bird flu were to suddenly become transmissible from person to person, we can suspect laboratory research and engineering of a virus as the culprit. Read more HERE and HERE.

The response to bird flu outbreaks has so far been to kill healthy birds en mass. There will come a time when the only alternative to the mass culling of birds is to vaccinate them, which provides a lucrative and never-ending business for those who profit from vaccines.

In the following essay, Baden-Mayer details seven things we should know about bird flu including outbreaks caused by bioweapons research; mass killings of birds is expensive, cruel, wasteful and illogical; and how creating food shortages could result in food rationing, which might be the easiest way for them to get people to adopt digital IDs linked to central bank digital currencies, as has already happened in Iran.

If the bird flu were to suddenly be transmissible from person to person, there would be every reason to suspect gain-of-function bioweapons research.

But, all the hype about whether the bird flu will become a human pandemic might just be a distraction.

There are certainly pharmaceutical companies that would benefit from a human bird flu pandemic but the industry might make even more money “preventing” a human pandemic by vaccinating farm animals, especially the world’s 33 billion chickens.

So far, the government’s response to the bird flu has been to kill millions of chickens – 85.87 million birds killed since 2022.

From an animal welfare perspective, it’s viciously cruel. From a sustainable agriculture perspective, it’s senseless. From a food justice perspective, it means skyrocketing food prices, more hungry people and worse food quality...<<<Read More>>>...