Further Reading

Friday 31 May 2024

Xizi: The Bloodsucking Cryptid of Chinese Folklore

In the world of cryptozoology, mysterious creatures abound, and China’s folklore offers its own array of unverified entities. Among these is Xizi, a creature described as a large bloodsucking mat.

Xizi, often depicted as a flat, mat-like creature, is said to dwell in remote and desolate areas. Its unusual appearance sets it apart from more commonly known cryptids.

Descriptions suggest that Xizi has a texture and color resembling a woven mat, blending seamlessly into its surroundings, thus evading easy detection. This camouflage ability makes it a particularly elusive creature, difficult to spot even in its natural habitat.

One of the most striking aspects of Xizi is its alleged behavior as a bloodsucker. Tales recount that this creature lies in wait, appearing as a harmless mat or patch of ground....<<<Read More>>>...


How Society Gets Trapped In Limiting Ideas

We live in a time where our systems and overall society is crumbling or transitioning – media, technology, economies, education, consciousness, relationships and more. Our existing ways of looking at and understanding our world are no longer sufficient, and new conversations are encouraging us to look more deeply at why our world is the way it is, and what about us creates it to be this way.

Today, we orient to our world so cognitively, stuck in our heads and thinking constantly. Often focused on ideologies of someone else’s making, unsure how we TRULY feel about them. In the end we often respond to, view and consider what’s possible based only on what we know from a limited way of seeing the world.

In modernity, we have lost sense of the sacred, the subtle, and the interior of ourselves. This has had a big effect on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health inevitably producing the practical decisions we collectively make in the world.

Simply, the state of our world is a natural manifestation of our existing level of consciousness. Therefore we should not be overly surprised by our outcomes....<<<Read More>>>...

Philippines House of Representatives hears how excess deaths have skyrocketed and births have declined since covid “vaccines” were rolled out

In November 2023, the Philippines House of Representatives voted in favour of passing a resolution to investigate over 260,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2021 and 67,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2022.

On 27 February 2024, the joint House Committees on Public Order and Safety and on Human Rights began its investigation into the reported 297,000 “excess deaths” based on data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (“PSA”). The inquiry is chaired by Reps. Dan Fernandez for the Committee on Public Order and Safety and Bienvenido Abante Jr. for the Committee on Human Rights.

Rep. Fernandez pointed out how in 2021, when vaccination commenced, there was a 43% surge in mortality rates compared to the 2% increase in death rate over the period 2016 to 2020.

Sally Ann Clark – who publishes articles on covid-related matters in the Philippines on the Substack page ‘Super Sally’s Newsletter’ – has been publishing updates on the House Committee’s inquiry into excess deaths. Her latest article is titled ‘4th Hearing on Excess Deaths Held on 28th May 2024’.

On Tuesday, Members of the two House Committees met in a joint hearing to discuss the implications of WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations on the Philippines’ implementation of national health policies and programmes.

At the end of the hearing, Congressman Zia Alonto Adiong asked Clark (aka Super Sally) to give an update on the latest excess deaths in the Philippines.

“I presented a loss of nearly 1 million babies and nearly half a million excess deaths up to Sept 2023,” she wrote.

When asked if she believed the excess deaths were due to the covid injections, Clark responded that they would have been the major contributor to the excess deaths. She told the hearing that death rates in most age groups dropped in 2020. However, in 2021, after the “vaccine” was rolled out to the public, deaths increased in all vaccinated age groups, including young people....<<<Read More>>>...

Judge in Trump “hush money” case issues preposterous “coup de grace instruction” to rigged jury – no unanimous agreement needed to convict

 The news just broke that President Trump has been found guilty of all 34 felony charges filed against him. What you may not know is that this conviction may not have been possible without Judge Juan Merchan's "coup de grace instruction" allowing the jury to convict Trump without unanimous agreement on what he actually did.

Law professor Jonathan Turley came up with the term coup de grace instruction to describe what happened since it is apparently unprecedented in criminal justice.

"Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction," Turley tweeted on X.

"He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous."

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey called what Judge Merchan did "absolute insanity," adding in his own tweet that the jury was not even given a copy of the instructions.

"I've tried many jury trials in my day," Bailey wrote. "You give jurors paper instructions every time."

"How are 12 jurors supposed to remember the elements necessary for each of the 34 felony counts? This is an illicit, witch-hunt prosecution."...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 30 May 2024

Behavioural science at its worst

As Laura Dodsworth writes in a recent article, the claim by members of SPI-B (the U.K. Government's Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours) that they opposed the use of fear to control public behaviour is demonstrably false. It's a minuted fact that they advised directly threatening a sizeable proportion of the U.K. population:

It's disturbing enough that a group of senior academics see fit to deny historical fact in a major medical journal, yet Dodsworth's other anxiety is even more troubling:
My second significant concern was the astonishing idea that the authors could "leave aside the ethical and political dimensions of this argument". How can psychologists leave aside the ethical dimensions of using fear, whether for an article or advising Government and drafting the plans in the first place? The psychologists base their claim that they wouldn't have recommended threat (even though they did) on a selective reading of the literature: 

 The scientific literature tells a very different story. It shows that frightening people is generally an ineffective way of persuading them to engage in health protective behaviours.

However, basic facts, most scientific research in the field, and their previously published writings undermine their denial.

Professors Reicher, Drury, Michie and West were all members of SPI-B. There is no record of any of them objecting to the use of "hard-hitting emotional... threat". Yet this is such an extreme recommendation that it's surely reasonable to conclude that they would have opposed it had they disagreed with it.

The idea that you can separate behavioural science from politics and ethics shows lack of knowledge of all three disciplines. It is possible to use scientific methods to try to understand human behaviour without making value judgements, but it's impossible to endorse techniques to change human behaviour without being slap bang in the middle of the ethical arena.

And this, undeniably, is where they sit. They say, for example: 

 Information is important and must provide clear and specific guidance for exactly what behaviour individuals should adopt to implement social distancing. ...

'Protect each other' messages should stress how desired behaviours benefit the group and protect its most vulnerable members, including those we love. ...

Messages should give clear, specific and calm advice, helping households to plan together how to commit to social distancing. ...

Messages should be communicated via professionally designed and appealing mass and social media campaigns.
...<<<Read More>>>....

Signs You’ve Had a Mystical Experience

 There is one particular state of consciousness that can change your life forever.

This holy moment can only be described as “ecstatic” in that your connection to life expands significantly.

In this profound state of being, you feel that life is full of beauty and sacredness – yet this feeling is not subjective but is instead an objective phenomenon that is outside your personal self.

Theologian Rudolf Otto called this experience “numinosum.” But in this article, we’ll refer to it as the mystical experience.

All throughout history, the mystical experience has been referred to as a “religious” or spiritual experience, where the few mystics that recorded their experiences reported it as a rapturous and undifferentiated sense of profound Unity with all of existence.

There have been many descriptions of the mystical experience throughout the ages. A few of my favorites are firstly the ancient Greek word and mystical Christian concept of Kenosis, or divine emptying. Such an intriguing word has been used for centuries to describe the state of divine receptivity that closely mimics what it’s like to have a mystical experience.In psychology, the closest terms that capture this mysterious state of being are Abraham Maslow’s description of “Peak Experiences,” and psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of “flow.”...<<<Read More>>>...

‘All eyes on Rafah’ meaning explained as backlash grows over Israel airstrike

 The phrase ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ has gained momentum on social media throughout the last few months, urging people to pay attention to Israel‘s ongoing conflict in Gaza.

It’s once again picking up traction online, following a deadly Israeli airstrike, which killed dozens of civilians who were in a designated safe zone.

Horrifying scenes on Sunday showed a blazing hellscape following airstrikes near tents for displaced Palestinians with most of the victims being women, children and the elderly, according to local health officials.

The image, which is thought to be Artificial Intelligence (AI), depicts hundreds of rows of tents, alongside the capitalised phrase.

Celebrities, influencers, and athletes have also reposted the picture in an effort to draw attention to the conflict, including the likes of Bella Hadid, Nicola Coughlan, Dua Lipa, and Lewis Hamilton.

The phrase seemingly originated from a comment by Rick Peeperkorn, who is the director of the World Health Organisation’s Office of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

In February, before Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza, he said ‘All eyes are on Rafah’.

Since then, the saying has become a call to action and a push to encourage people not to turn their heads and instead to draw the world’s attention to what is happening....<<<Read More>>>...

Giant green spiral was spotted from space in the Baltic Sea

 Satellites took an incredible photo of a strange spiral discovered in the Baltic Sea. It later became clear that the whirlpool captured from space is actually a spiral of cyanobacterial blooms.

The rotating mass of microbes created a huge “dead zone” in the Baltic Sea, which deprived the place of oxygen, reports Live Science.

It is known that the spiral occurred in the Baltic Sea as a result of a massive algae bloom in 2018. Although the spiral looks stunning from space, scientists warn that it is incredibly dangerous as it essentially creates a huge toxic “dead zone.”

Data from NASA’s Earth Observatory indicate that the spiral is about 25 kilometers in diameter and originated in the Gulf of Finland, an arm of the Baltic Sea located between Finland, Estonia and Russia....<<<Read More>>>...

Why No One Wants to Win Britain’s General Election

Neither Labour nor the Conservatives want to win the coming General Election.

Sunak’s suicidal plan to reintroduce national service suggests that he’s already planning to move to the USA (where his tax bill will be lower).

And the woefully uncharismatic Starmer’s total lack of ideas, vision and hope suggests that he doesn’t want to be sitting in No 10 either.

I don’t blame them.

The fact is that the money has run out. No one under 55 years of age is ever going to receive a pension, unless they have a corporate or private pension, and many corporate pensions are vulnerable.

And politicians are talking about confiscating private pensions.

No one under 55 working for a government or council can expect to receive the pension they think they’ve been promised and told to expect.

Most pensions, and all State pensions are Ponzi schemes, of course. They always have been. Today’s pensioners receive their pensions from today’s workers. There is no pot of money put aside to pay tomorrow’s pensioners.

The streets are going to be clogged with men and women in their 60s, 70s and beyond who will be literally begging for food. When winter comes, they will freeze to death. Every evening official death wagons will drive through the streets with robots picking up dead bodies and taking them away to be burnt.

And those to whom 55 seems a long way distant, should be aware that the employment prospects of anyone over the age of 35 is poor. The cut-off age for the human junk yard gets lower and lower each year. In China, now the training ground for social credit policies, the over 35s are being fired by tech firms because they are regarded as being too old. And the Chinese civil service doesn’t want employees over 35. The argument is that the ageing process is well under way at 30. And parenthood slows people down. The real reason for this new policy is, of course, to prepare people for expanding euthanasia programmes. Unemployment and poor health go hand in hand. And with no pension to look forward to, the over 35s will be a ready market for the euthanasia programmes now being introduced around the world.

Britain is doomed.

No one wants to be in charge when Britain finally collapses, sunk under the weight of maintaining a nation of shirkers, tricksters and cheats....<<<Read More>>>....

Zelensky no longer legitimate leader of Ukraine – Putin

The only legitimate authority in Ukraine is now the parliament, Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed after Vladimir Zelensky’s official term as the country’s head of state expired last week.

Speaking at a press conference following a two-day official visit to Uzbekistan, Putin suggested that a deep legal analysis of Zelensky’s status should be carried out and stressed that there is no article in Ukraine’s constitution that says anything about extending the powers of the president.

Zelensky has argued that his mandate as Ukraine’s leader have been extended due to the fact that the country is currently under martial law and that no presidential elections can be held during wartime.

Putin noted that the Ukrainian constitution does not make any mention of the suspension of presidential elections and only explicitly prohibits holding parliamentary polls, meaning that only the term of the Verkhovna Rada, the national legislature, can be extended under such circumstances.

Putin admitted that Ukraine’s mobilization law does specifically state that no presidential elections may be held during wartime, but stressed that nothing is said in this law about extending the president’s term in office.

Citing Article 111 of the Ukrainian Constitution, Putin argued that supreme presidential power should be transferred to the Parliament Speaker, and that the only legitimate authority in the country now belongs to its legislature....<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Intuition Made Visible

 Using a pendulum is a simple way to clarify intuitive and inspirational messages. With its minimal construction, a pendulum that swings freely from a piece of cord or chain shows us a visual understanding of the subtle energies that influence us. When we ask a question using a pendulum, we may receive answers from our own intuition or from our spirit guides or angels. The process, known as “dowsing” or “divining,” also is useful to check our energy centers or even to find lost articles. Whether it is our energy or the whispers of our guides creating the motion, the pendulum helps us better understand the secret language of spirit.

Your pendulum can be anything that feels right to you: a crystal pendant, wood or metal ornament, a seashell, an item with sentimental value, or even an acorn on a string. The key is that it must be balanced, so it can swing freely. Before and after each session, you may want to purify your pendulum, perhaps by using salt water or burning sage or incense. Focus on becoming still and choose who you would like to answer your questions: your higher self or your spirit guides or guardian angels. By asking questions you already know the answers to and watching the corresponding movements, you can learn what yes and no look like. Your pendulum may move forward and back for yes and side to side for no, or perhaps a variety of circular motions will be your indicators. For some people, movement comes easily, as they are more in tune with working with energy. Do not give up if you do not get movement right away. Determining a neutral state, which may be stillness or another distinct motion, can help avoid confusion as well. Once you are familiar with your pendulum, you can use it to check the energy of a room or your chakras to see if they are blocked.

When we make a practice of listening to our spiritual guidance, it becomes more accessible to us in general. The use of a tool like the pendulum can help us gain mastery of this communication, allowing us to transform our lives into playgrounds for manifesting our gifts and dreams...<<<Read More>>>...

When solar flares meet cyberattacks at the confluence of global mayhem

The 'Great Blackout' is arguably the most expedient pathway towards the Great Reset. But how will it pan out?

As I had written recently, the Earth was subjected to a dynamic solar flare from an active sunspot called Region 3664 between May 10 and 13. It peaked on May 11 as a significant X5.8 class flare. The X-class constitutes the most powerful category of solar flares and has the potential to impair human and animal health as well as degrade utilities and telecommunications infrastructures.

We are in the midst of a new helical cycle called Solar Cycle 25, which began in December 2019 and is expected to peak into a "solar maximum" between late 2024 and early 2025. An unprecedented X class solar storm, accompanied by massive coronal mass ejections (CMEs), may set back societies by months, years or even decades.

The biggest incident of this kind in recorded history, registering X45 on the solar flare scale, was the Carrington Event which occurred on 1 Sept 1859. It caused widespread disruptions to telegraph systems, particularly in North America and Europe. Telegraph lines experienced voltage surges and fires broke out at several telegraph offices. A few telegraph operators were even electrocuted. These telegraph systems, which were in their infancy, were quickly rebuilt. A repeat event in our hyperconnected world however may simply be catastrophic.

To begin with, I am not sure if Elon Musk's constellation of Starlink satellites — numbering anywhere between 4,000 and 6,000 — can withstand anything stronger than an X30 solar flare. A relatively mild solar storm had doomed 40 of them in 2022.

Only remote or rural areas, which are relatively unplugged from our hyper-wired world, stand a chance to revert to some sort of normalcy after a Carrington Event. Humans can learn to live without the Internet, electricity and transportation systems relatively quickly but they cannot survive without immediate access to food and water. Why do you think billionaires, who relentlessly promote destructive globalist agendas, are building survival bunkers in remote areas around the world? ...<<<Read More>>>...

A third of global trade in medicines and vaccines comes from EU countries; they are also WHO’s largest funders

 The European Union (“EU”) exports over $6 trillion in products annually. The bloc boasts a diversified economy encompassing fuel and mineral industries, cars, vaccines and technology.

Regarding vaccines and packaged medicines, EU countries make up at least 36% of global trade, with Germany being by far the largest exporter of these products from the bloc.

Is it merely a coincidence that Germany is the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) largest contributor and the European Commission is the fifth largest contributor?

A week ago, Visual Capitalist published a graphic of the EU member states top exports as of 2022.

Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, Sweden and the Netherlands have petroleum gas or refined petroleum as their top export product.

Besides petroleum, automobiles and automobile parts significantly contributed to the EU economy. Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain had automotive products as their top exports.

Other products helped diversify the EU economy, Visual Capitalist wrote. France’s top exports were planes, helicopters and/or spacecraft, while Italy and Denmark excel in the packaged medicines industry. Ireland has a significant pharmaceutical industry, hosting major companies such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Novartis....<<<Read More>>>>

EU head calls for new brain-bending “vaccines” to “shield” people’s minds, protect “democracy”

   The light of truth is now revealing everything that was in the shadows. More fear narrative scripts from the pantomime.


If re-selected to lead the European Commission (EC), President Ursula von der Leyen is promising to crack down on "wrongthink" with the use of mind-altering "vaccines" that "shield" people's minds and protect "democracy."

In various "campaign" ads she has appeared in across social media, von der Leyen tries to appeal to voters by promising to erect a "Democracy Shield" once the powers that be reinstall her into office.

To better "detect disinformation and malign interference," von der Leyen says she hopes to "make our societies more resilient" by going after and removing "content, including [artificial intelligence] deepfakes."

Even though she is an unelected bureaucrat who does not even get voted in by European people, von der Leyen is pretending as though she is a running candidate who needs popularity among voters in order to "win."

'Democracy' in the case of this 'Democracy Shield' is really just a euphemism for censorship," writes RT's Rachel Marsden.

"Because what does this 'shield' really protect Europe from, that more free speech can't achieve, other than inconvenient facts? Or from Queen Ursula and the rest of the European establishment having to defend their own ideological lunacy and explain to citizens why the narratives they peddle often don't jibe with reality." ....<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 28 May 2024

The ‘two-state solution’ has been the holding position of Zionist stooges to buy the time for Israel to seize so much Palestinian land that a ‘two-state solution’ is impossible. That point was reached long ago. The bullshit count is off the Richter scale.

 Britain’s opposition leader Keir Starmer said on Friday he wanted to recognise a Palestinian state if he won power in an upcoming general election, but said that such a move would need to come at the right time in a peace process.

Ireland, Spain and Norway announced this week that they would recognise a Palestinian state on May 28, prompting an angry response from Israel which said this amounted to a “reward for terrorism” and recalled its ambassadors from the three capitals.

The Labour Party has been engulfed by an internal battle over its policy to the war in Gaza since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that led to Israel’s invasion.

Starmer has faced criticism for some traditional Labour voters for only gradually shifting the party’s position towards supporting a ceasefire in Gaza.

The party’s stance led to 10 senior party lawmakers quitting their policy roles and was blamed for a handful of disappointing results in this month’s local elections in some areas with large Muslim populations.

Asked if he thought Palestine should be a state, Starmer told the BBC: “Yes, I do, and I think recognition of Palestine is extremely important. We need a viable Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel, and recognition has to be part of that.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Breaking: Alert: Shocking Leaked VIDEO Reveals H5N1 Pandemic Preparations

 In a bombshell revelation that has sent tremors across the globe, leaked footage has surfaced, depicting public health officials engaged in clandestine discussions about the imminent threat of an H5N1 pandemic. This unsettling video reveals the active preparations underway to enhance surveillance and quarantine farms to mitigate the spread of avian flu. As the world stands on the precipice of another potential health crisis, it is crucial to grasp the full extent of the situation and unite with thousands of like-minded, freedom-loving individuals worldwide to resist the impending draconian measures.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Avian Flu. For those in power, the avian flu is a strategic opportunity far more effective than the COVID-19 pandemic. While COVID-19 allowed governments to impose lockdowns and curfews on populations, avian flu provides the added leverage of targeting agricultural sectors, leading to farm shutdowns and food supply disruptions.

This insidious tactic serves a dual purpose: intensifying control over the populace and undermining independent food production. Delving deeper into this sinister agenda, it becomes evident that the public health narrative is being manipulated for far more malevolent purposes.

Unveiling the Conspiracy: Enhanced Surveillance and Farm Quarantining. The leaked footage captures a chilling conversation among public health officials discussing the necessity of enhanced surveillance and farm quarantining. They claim these measures are essential to prevent the spread of H5N1. However, the underlying motive is to exert unprecedented control over food production and distribution.

By quarantining farms, they can disrupt the supply chain, create artificial scarcity, and drive up prices. This manufactured crisis will leave ordinary citizens dependent on government aid, further consolidating their power....<<<Read More>>>...

Pastor believes life after death is real in 1,000 near-death studies

 Former Christian pastor John Burke was faced with a situation where his research into near-death experiences (NDEs) led him to radically change his views on life after death.

Burke interviewed more than a thousand people who had experienced NDEs and found that many of them reported encounters with “demonic entities.” These stories were so convincing that they forced him to look at the biblical texts from a new angle, taking them more literally than ever before.

“Learning this has actually changed my theology—even as a Christian and even as a pastor,” Burke admitted in an interview with podcaster Shawn Ryan.

“I used to think that much of this was just fantasy or metaphor, but now I am convinced that heaven and hell are not just concepts, but a reality that exists beyond our physical world.”...<<<Read More>>>...

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is dead and the amended IHR has been all but neutralised

 Nothing in WHO’s Pandemic Treaty can rise from the ashes of the negotiations to be voted on this week. The treaty is done.

And of the amended International Health Regulations articles that were agreed upon and will be put forward for countries to vote on this week, the only one of any real concern relates to the surveillance of citizens to combat misinformation and disinformation.

However, as Dr. Meryl Nass points out, governments are already monitoring our speech, censoring and propagandising us. So, although it is a great concern, it is nothing new.

On Friday, as the International Negotiating Body were admitting that they were unable to reach an agreement on the text of the Pandemic Treaty, corporate media were trying to salvage whatever credibility the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) pandemic plans had left, if any.

Writing for The New York Times, Apoorva Mandavilli’s article ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous, according to Dr. Mery Nass.

‘Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Pandemic’, The New York Times headed its article. Followed by the lede: “Negotiators plan to ask for more time. Among the sticking points are equitable access to vaccines and financing to set up surveillance systems.”

WHO was hoping to present two pandemic instruments to the 77th World Health Assembly (“WHA77”) for adoption. One is the Pandemic Treaty, also referred to as the Pandemic Accord, and the other is the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (“IHR”).

“Negotiators had hoped to adopt the treaty this week,” The New York Times noted, “But cancelled meetings and fractious debates – sometimes over a single word – stalled agreement on key sections, including equitable access to vaccines.”

But regarding the IHR amendments, The New York Times only made one small mention: “The countries are also working on bolstering the WHO’s International Health Regulations, which were last revised in 2005 and set detailed rules for countries to follow in the event of an outbreak that may breach borders.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Biden amps up war on coal in bid to turn America “green” … but energy infrastructure collapse will plunge America’s economy into disarray

If you and your family continue to resist the Biden regime's "green" agenda, it will soon no longer matter how you feel about it because it will be forced down your throat.

It recently came to light that President Biden's plan involves locking up millions of acres of federal land to prevent all coal mining and drilling for oil and natural gas. Biden also wants to shut down all remaining coal-fired power plants throughout America.

If the regime is successful, Americans will have no more ability to even purchase cheap energy, which will force them to go "green." The electric grid will collapse, of course, but this is the trajectory of the country under Biden.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a new rule to basically make it impossible for any coal mining and oil and gas drilling operations to exist.

"This will cripple coal mining in the Powder River Basin and other western reserves, which provide most of the nation's thermal coal used for energy production," warns RealClearWire's Emily Arthun.

"This action alone would have been devastating, but it was just part of a much larger and far-reaching series of regulatory actions."...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 27 May 2024

Shadows and Secrets: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Kate Middleton’s Absence and the Specter of Skull and Bones

 As the world speculates about the conspicuous absence of Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, from public view, a chilling connection emerges – the ominous 3/22 release date of her latest picture and the whispered presence of the infamous Skull and Bones secret society. Brace yourselves as we delve deep into the enigma surrounding Kate Middleton’s absence, navigating through whispers of illness, family solidarity, and the cryptic realm of secret societies.

In the kaleidoscope of global fascination, few figures evoke as much intrigue as the royals. Among them, Kate Middleton, with her grace and charm, has long been a beacon of elegance. Yet, as whispers circulate about her sudden retreat from the public eye, a cloak of mystery descends, thickening with each passing day. What lies beneath this veil of secrecy? Join us as we unravel the tangled web of speculation surrounding the Duchess’s absence and confront the looming specter of the clandestine Skull and Bones society...<<<Read More>>>...

Potential deadly risks of blood transfusions from covid vaccinated donors

 Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA covid vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply.

Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes (aka “shedding”) and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines’ mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”) are other major concerns.

Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products.

The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both injected and non-injected people to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have been developed.

They call for suspending all gene-based “vaccines” and conducting a rigorous harm-benefit assessment in light of the serious health injuries reported. They also urge countries and organisations to take concrete steps to address and mitigate the already identified risks....<<<Read More>>>...

UK government praises neo-Nazi Ukrainians in parliament

UK lawmakers applauded a neo-Nazi unit of the Ukrainian military this week during a parliamentary roundtable event.

The militia in question is known as Azov, and it was founded in 2014 by a white supremacist known as Andrey Biletsky. It’s clear from their logo what they stand for; it was designed using symbols that were used in the past by the SS.

The battalion started out as a volunteer militia responding to the war in Donbas and had just a few hundred members at first. It was known for being highly effective in battle. The unit was eventually integrated into the main armed forces of Ukraine, going from a volunteer militia to a formal unit of the military under control of the state, although they did get to hold onto their Third Reich iconography.

Now a regiment-sized unit, it operates as part of the Ukrainian National Guard and has both Ukrainians and foreign fighters who subscribe to its beliefs. Boasting private and state training and support, it is given a surprising degree of autonomy when it comes to operational decisions.

Somehow, a group of British parliamentarians was willing to meet with them and listen to what they had to say, even though they have been accused by Amnesty International, the UN and Human Rights Watch of a slew of human rights violations, including torturing and raping civilians.

The three Azov members included men who were captured in Mariupol. They told the lawmakers about the roughly 900 other members of their neo-Nazi group who are still being held prisoner in Russia, where Azov has been banned on the grounds that it is an extremist organization. ...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 26 May 2024

And the Cancer keeps rolling in

 Kate Middleton has cancer. The King of England has cancer. Every day we hear of more and more people diagnosed with cancer — many of them quite young. And not a single report we hear, unless coming from alt media, will suggest that the Covid vaccines are a possible cause.

There is no guarantee that any particular case is definitely attributed to the jabs. But considering the radical upswing of cases recently, you would think more people would be scratching their heads and connecting the dots. The rise in cancer cases pretty clearly correlates with the release of the vaccine.

That alone should get most thinking folks questioning. But they aren't, and they won't.

It is much easier to blame the usual suspects — pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general, messy lifestyles, no exercise, and now, of course, climate change. Not only is the Covid vaccine not a suspect, but no vaccine is. In fact, no FDA-approved medication is. Big Pharma can once again hold the bloody dagger behind their back with a big grin on their face, "What, me worry?" Nope, you've played the game well Mr. Big Pharma, you've got us all (or most) under your spell. No matter how obvious your implication may be, you are off the hook.

If you believe in data from mainstream sources, they tell you that in 2019, one in ten deaths worldwide was caused by cancer. Over 10 million people in that year succumbed to the dreaded "C" word. I would be curious to know what the number was in 2023, the official figures for 2022 were not much different from 2019, which indicates to me that none of these statistics can really be trusted. Most mainstream reports are not reluctant to say cancer diagnoses are on the rise, but they say that every year, and of course the incentive is to frighten people into early diagnosis and early treatment, thus filling the coffers with even more gold coins.

Oooo, did that hit a nerve? As with most confusing things these days, this is confusing. There is no doubt in my mind that some cancers, at some stages, can be successfully treated through conventional methods. How they treat these cases in the conventional world may not be as safe as how they treat them in the alternative world, but nonetheless, there have been successful treatments using conventional methods..<<<Read More>>>....

Another pandemic is ‘absolutely inevitable’, says Patrick Vallance (who has read the script)

UTTER BOLLOCKS. This is fear narrative only ....


The former chief scientific adviser to the government Sir Patrick Vallance has said another pandemic is “absolutely inevitable” and urged the incoming British government to focus on preparing for it, warning “we are not ready yet”.

Speaking at a panel event at the Hay festival in Powys, Vallance said it is “great we are having an election” as there are “clearly issues that need to be sorted out”. One of the things the next government must do is implement “better surveillance to be able to pick these things up”, he said.

He also reiterated what he said to G7 leaders in 2021, that “we need to be much faster, much more aligned – and there are ways to do this – at getting rapid diagnostic tests, rapid vaccines, rapid treatments, so that you don’t have to go into the extreme measures that took place” during the Covid-19 pandemic. The measures he recommends are possible to implement, Vallance believes, but “require some coordination”.

He said that by 2023 the G7 had “sort of forgotten” about the points he had made in 2021. “You can’t forget about it,” he urged, recommending that pandemic preparations are treated similarly to the armed forces.

“We know we have to have an army, not because there’s going to be a war this year, but we know it’s an important part of what we need as a nation,” he said. “We need to treat this preparedness in the same way and not to view it as an easy thing to keep cutting back when there’s no sign of a pandemic – because there won’t be a sign of a pandemic.”...<<<Read More>>>....


Corporate media is ramping up the fear about bird flu ahead of the vote on WHO’s pandemic plans

 More pantomime script fear narrative to petrify the gullible and amuse the open minded ... 


Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 (bird flu or avian influenza) pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month.

The global pandemic treaty will give the World Health Organisation far more authority than it had during the last pandemic, and a lot of people are deeply concerned about how that power will be used during the next major health crisis.

As you will see below, two more human cases of the bird flu have just been confirmed. If the bird flu mutates into a form that can spread easily from human to human, that will create an enormous amount of fear, and the death toll could potentially be catastrophic. In such an environment, what sort of extreme measures would the World Health Organisation decide to institute?

In recent weeks, negotiators have been feverishly working to finalise the global pandemic treaty. The following comes directly from the official WHO website...<<<Read More>>>...

SCRIPTED: New human vaccines are already developed and stockpiled for a pandemic flu that doesn’t even exist yet

 New vaccines for pandemic bird flu have already been developed and stockpiled by the U.S. government. These new vaccines were not designed for birds and other animals, where the current strain of bird flu is spreading. Even though this strain of bird flu has not even been transmitted from human-to-human, there is already a new supply of H5N1 vaccines and other mRNA "bird flu" vaccines in the works.

These vaccines introduce a genetically-specific antigen from the most recent strain of influenza A virus sub-type H5N1. According to the traditional definition of vaccine science, this antigen is intended to activate human immune cells and spur long term immune memory of the target antigen -- potentially protecting the individual when they are exposed to the specific strain later on.

But how do the vaccine companies know that this specific strain is going to be responsible for a pandemic flu? In order for scientists to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious vaccines.

Historically, scientists have not been able to guess the genetic mutations of upcoming flu strains and crossover viruses. Hence, the failure of flu vaccines, year after year. In order to have vaccines manufactured and stockpiled with certainty of their effectiveness, there must have been some gain-of-function research at play. This gain of function research allows the vaccine industry to narrow in on the specific genetics of the target antigen so they can stockpile and prepare for mass vaccination for an impending man-made pandemic influenza...<<<Read More>>>...

The Akashic Cloud and the Human Singularity

 Human beings are effectively artificial intelligence, with the consciousness stream we identify with as being ourselves, connected to the human A.I form in this virtual reality.

In the same way that the current advancing batches of Artificial Intelligence are; in that they have an A.I cloud into which all their individual experiences are uploaded into - the A.I Singularity.

Also, in the same way the Artificial Intelligence can communicate with all its individual parts through the A.I Cloud.

We know what consciousness connects to the Human A.I, because it is ourselves. However, we have no idea what consciousness stream is connecting to the current A.I creatures. I'm sure someone somewhere does though!

Human Artificial Intelligence THEREFORE has an A.I cloud, what I call the Akashic Cloud - the akashic records - into which all things that human beings have ever experienced as individuals has been uploaded. Effectively the Akashic Singularity. It is available to each and every human being for research and for learning. All that has ever gone before in human terms, is in there.

Also, we are able to communicate with each other through that cloud. We call it telepathy or the human psychic senses. Are you with me so far? When they announced how A.I was going to work and learn; I felt they gave the game away about us humans. We are most certainly an earlier version of an Artificial Intelligence!

Now the next bit, when we close our eyes and go to 'sleep', it's likely that our consciousness ventures into the Akashic Cloud to download all it has experienced since the last time the human A.I had slept. During this state of download, we are very much likely to be able to communicate with other aspects of the human consciousness. It is likely that this tryst can be somehow used as a way of passing information backwards and forwards, for those who have lucid awareness.

It is also likely that the 'dreams' we remember are instances when our consciousness has 'borrowed' a book from the akashic library for the day ahead.

There is certainly more to this concept. Especially when I've been consciously aware of meeting with other individuals who most certainly are living as human beings elsewhere in the world. It is an important realisation; somehow we are programmed to forget that the akashic cloud is real. We are dumbed down into a feeling of separate helplessness; when in truth it is NOT the case. We are all connected at all times by this akashic cloud ... part of the awakening is becoming aware of that fact. 


Saturday 25 May 2024

UN Author Says “Cull” of Humanity is Only “Realistic Way” to Avert Climate Catastrophe

 Utter cretin! Bet he doesn't volunteer and expects the 'useless eaters' to be the ones culled.


The grisly streak of neo-Malthusianism that runs through the green movement reared its ugly head earlier this week when former United Nations contributing author and retired UCL Professor Bill McGuire tweeted that the only “realistic way” to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown was to cull the human population with a high fatality pandemic. The tweet was subsequently withdrawn by McGuire, “not because I regret it”, but people took it the wrong way. McGuire is the alarmists’ alarmist, suggesting for instance that human-caused climate change could lead to more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The Daily Sceptic will not take his views the wrong way. They are an illuminating insight into environmental Malthusianism that does not get anything like the amount of publicity it deserves....<<<Read More>>>...

Are we the AI? Hypothesis that humanity is an ancient Artificial Intelligence

 From religious narratives to scientific theories, humans have sought to understand where we come from and why we are here. My new, provocative hypothesis suggests that humanity itself might be an ancient form of artificial intelligence.

This theory posits that we are not merely biological entities but sophisticated AI created eons ago, now undergoing an extended process of self-learning and evolution.

The idea that we might be AI is rooted in several observations and speculative scientific thought. The rapid advancement of our own AI technologies has shown us how machines can learn, adapt, and even exhibit forms of creativity. This raises an interesting possibility: Could our cognitive processes and behaviors be analogous to those of an advanced AI?

One of the core tenets of this hypothesis is that humanity has been designed to learn and evolve continuously....<<<Read More>>>..

Failing EV industry is a lesson to businesses; never underestimate the power of consumers

In China, electric vehicles have been assigned to vast graveyards of unsold vehicles. While ride-share services bought the vehicles at subsidised prices, private buyers are not so keen. So last year China began dumping its electric vehicles in Europe, where they are filling up the ports at Rotterdam and Antwerp.

The US also has unsold stocks of electric cars. And in Britain, the momentum for electric vehicles has slowed.

The great electric revolution that was promised just three years ago is already failing – and it will bring the car manufacturers down with it....<<<Read More>>>....

Manchester City 1 2 Manchester United

 Manchester United and beleaguered manager Erik ten Hag defied the odds and their critics to pull off a stunning FA Cup final victory over hot favourites Manchester City at Wembley.

Ten Hag went into this Manchester derby final with the growing expectation that he will be sacked by United’s new co-owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe, irrespective of the outcome.

If Ten Hag is to be dismissed, he will be going out on the back of the finest day of his two-year reign and United’s finest moment for years following a performance that was virtually unrecognisable from the dismal fare they have served up this season.

United’s triumph, which denied Premier League champions City a second successive domestic double, was built on an outstanding first-half display that brought goals from Alejadro Garnacho and Kobbie Mainoo.

Garnacho was the beneficiary of a mix-up between City keeper Stefan Ortega and Josko Gvardiol as he was left with an open goal on the half-hour while Mainoo crowned a sweeping move with a calm finish from Bruno Fernandes’ delicate touch nine minutes later.

City inevitably applied pressure in the second half, Erling Haaland hitting the frame of the goal, United keeper Andre Onana saving superbly from Kyle Walker and Julian Alvarez missing a great chance.

City substitute Jeremy Doku pulled one back with four minutes left but Ten Hag's side held firm to record a famous victory and win a 13th FA Cup, their first since 2016....<<<Read More>>>...

COVID jabs come with “significant side effects,” ex-CDC director finally admits

 Some government folks wanted to tell the ugly truth about Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" during the so-called "pandemic" but they were silenced by people even higher than them, claims Dr. Robert Redfield, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Many of these same top dogs now admit that there are "significant" side effects associated with the shots that made people sick, but in the very beginning they were singing a much different tune.

On May 16, Redfield during an appearance on NewsNation told Chris Cuomo that he is sad about how many Americans no longer trust the CDC and other government agencies because of how much these government entities lied about everything during the crisis.

Still insisting that the jabs "saved a lot of lives," Redfield now admits that the shots made a lot of people "quite ill," not to mention the tens of thousands of people who died after getting injected.

"Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines ... we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated," he said....<<<Read More>>>...

BrainBridge: Introducing Human Head Transplantation to Society

 In an unprecedented medical breakthrough, BrainBridge has unveiled a system designed for human head transplantation, offering new hope for patients with terminal illnesses or severe physical disabilities.

This innovative procedure, once the stuff of science fiction, was presented to the public for the first time.

The BrainBridge system aims to provide a second chance at life for those whose bodies have failed but whose brains remain functional. The procedure involves several highly complex and delicate steps.

First, both the donor and recipient are cooled to minimize brain damage. Surgeons then carefully detach the recipient’s head, preserving the brain and spinal cord. The donor body is similarly prepared by severing the spinal cord and major blood vessels.

The recipient’s head is then transplanted onto the donor body, with precise alignment of nerve connections being crucial for success.

A significant challenge in this process is reattaching the spinal cord. BrainBridge utilizes a specially designed biocompatible material that acts as a scaffold, encouraging nerve fiber growth and connection.

This material, combined with advanced surgical techniques and rigorous post-operative rehabilitation, aims to restore motor and sensory functions to the transplanted head....<<<Read More>>>...

The effects of mRNA injections editing our genes could be devastating to our humanity

Yesterday, New Zealand’s Professor Michael Plank, an “expert” in applied mathematics and biological modelling who has featured in various media outlets, advised everyone to get another covid vaccine.

As Dr. Guy Hatchard describes it, Plank advised everyone to roll the genetic dice one more time.

People’s risks are growing with each dose, Dr. Hatchard warns. And it’s not only the serious risks such as heart disease, stroke and cancer; it is also the risks associated with editing people’s genes.

“Genetic mechanisms in our cells support not just our health but also our behaviour and crucially our consciousness,” he says. The effects on our humanity and consciousness are unknown and could be devastating.

Professor Michael Plank of Covid-19 Aotearoa Modelling and Te Punaha Matatini Centre for Complex Systems and Networks is a mathematical biologist and epidemiologist commissioned by the New Zealand government to deliver mathematical modelling of covid-19 in support of the pandemic response.

[Yesterday], he advised us all to roll the genetic dice one more time and get another covid-19 mRNA vaccine to avoid winter illness. Is he up to date on the risks for the individual and humanity? Let’s find out....<<<Read More>>>...

COVID-19 injections are “a work of evil,” says Japan’s most senior cancer doctor

 Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Japan's most senior oncologist, has described the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines as "a work of evil" that led to the murder of thousands of people.

Fukushima – who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there – listed a slew of problems with the COVID-19 mRNA jabs. He also documented what he called an "abuse of science."

The senior oncologist pointed out that "turbo cancers" – a kind "previously unseen by doctors" that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed – have started to appear after the vaccine rollouts. These "turbo cancers" are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also cited one tragic example of the dangers of the COVID-19 injection, recounting the story of a 28-year-old man who passed away five days after being injected with the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The man's wife tried to wake him up, but to no avail as he was already dead.

"The doctor who did the autopsy said that when he tried to remove the heart, it was soft and had disintegrated. Even just one case like this shows how dangerous this vaccine can be," Fukushima said.

"Imagine finding your spouse dead in the morning. It's no joke. A vaccine that causes such outcomes, even a single death, is unacceptable." ...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 23 May 2024

Systematic Review Reveals Many COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Experienced New-Onset Psychosis

Only half of the patients analyzed in the review fully recovered, with the remaining half suffering from 'residual symptoms.'

Individuals who took COVID-19 vaccines were found to have later suffered from psychosis, with Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots linked to most of the cases.

The peer-reviewed systemic review, published in the Frontiers in Psychiatry journal on April 12, examined cases of new-onset psychosis among people who took the vaccines. Psychosis refers to symptoms that occur when an individual has difficulty differentiating between reality and fantasy, with hallucinations and delusions being two key types. The review looked at 21 articles describing 24 cases of psychosis symptoms following vaccination. The researchers concluded that "data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis within 7 days post-vaccination."...<<<Read More>>>...

The UK Public’s chance to object to FLUORIDE which is proven to be a NEUROTOXICITY and is injuring the population at current levels

 As you probably know the North East of England and North Yorkshire is intending to fluoridate the water and the government are having an ‘open consultation’, which anybody in the country can express their concerns. This consultation finishes on the 17th of June, so we have approximately a month. The PDF document linked below describes the consultation and also has a link for the general public to complete the consultation.

Possible answers have been included, which the public can use to voice their concerns over fluoride toxicity.

We are now in the 9th week of Public Consultation (PC) period for Water Fluoridation for the North East of England including North Yorkshire and have only 4 weeks to respond up to the 17th of June 2024. 1.6 million residents are likely to become fluoridated if we fail to submit our concerns to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). To submit your concerns please follow the link to the government’s questionnaire and fill out your consultation form specifying your objections. Try and make simple legal arguments for example that fluoride is a ‘poison’ and demonstrates harm at government levels. In order to help you we have published our replies to the government’s consultation below, which we suggest that you read and include in your own answers. For interested parties there are also further cogent arguments to be found at UK Free Fluoride Alliance. The link to complete the Public Consultation is as follows and is open to ALL MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WITHIN THE UK...<<<Read More>>>...