Further Reading

Tuesday 21 May 2024

A Population Control Plan?

I work hard at avoiding conspiracy theories. I have always believed that cock-ups are more common than conspiracies.

But I have long given up thinking that the global response to the coronavirus is a series of cock-ups (though there have, along the way, been many incidental cock-ups). The evidence makes it clear to me that we are being manipulated.

Here is a summary of some of the reasons why I am convinced…

First, in the UK, the Government’s advisers ruled in March that the coronavirus was not a high-consequence infectious disease. As far as I know, only my website reported this momentous piece of front-page news.

Second, within days of this reassuring news, the UK Government had published its 358-page Emergency Bill and put the country into lockdown.

Third, the total number of alleged coronavirus deaths around the world is 300,000 (though this figure has been manipulated and is, in reality, widely believed to be much lower). This is a tragedy. But we have to remember that up to 650,000 people die in a bad flu season. And I don’t remember countries being put into lockdown or social distancing being introduced for the flu.

Fourth, all opposition to the establishment’s viewpoint is being silenced. (For example, YouTube is closing down platforms belonging to broadcasters who produce “unacceptable” information which questions government views. After YouTube banned two of my videos for absolutely no good reason that I could see, I decided to beat them to it by banning YouTube before they could ban me. However, three of my original videos and my two videos questioning the YouTube policy are, surprisingly, still available for the time being.)

Fifth, governments everywhere are promoting fear. I will come back to the mass hypnosis techniques they are using to control whole populations.

In a previous article on http://www.vernoncoleman.com, I have discussed the various hidden agendas behind the grab for power and control.

But there is one more hidden agenda which I forgot to include on that list: population control.

Look at the evidence.

The world is overpopulated. (ALITD: Really?)...<<<Read More>>>...