Further Reading

Thursday, 2 May 2024

Arizona GOP issues resolution declaring COVID-19 jabs “biological weapons” and calling for a ban

 The Republican Party of Arizona has just passed a “ban the jab” resolution declaring COVID-19 vaccines to be “biological and technological weapons.” They are also calling on the governor to ban the shots and seize existing vials so a forensic analysis can be conducted on their contents. The resolution passed with 95.62% of the votes.

The resolution points out that clinical data from vaccine maker Pfizer revealed 1,223 deaths, along with 158,000 adverse incidents, 42,000 adverse cases and roughly 1,000 side effects associated with the jabs, and many vaccinated individuals have suffered permanent disability, illness and even death as a result.

They add that “strong and credible evidence from Sweden exists that COVID mRNA shots alter human DNA, and government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming COVID injections are safe and effective.”

The groundbreaking resolution was proposed by a prominent figure in the Arizona Republican Party, Dan Schultz, and not surprisingly, it has generated its fair share of controversy. Nevertheless, it is a strong sign of the growing skepticism when it comes to the efficacy and safety of these vaccines as we learn more about their makeup and their effects on the human body.

Proponents of the resolution are taking the same stance as the many Americans who refused to get the vaccines, pointing out that they have not been subjected to sufficient testing and there is no way of knowing what their long-term effects could be. However, we do know their short-term effects and they are enough to make many people want nothing to do with the jabs...<<<Read More>>>...