Further Reading

Monday, 13 May 2024

Nothing says ‘trust the science’ like hiding the science for 24 months

 The entire COVID and vaccine narrative that the left tried to shove down our throats and into our bloodstreams is collapsing like a flim-flam house of cards. The real truth, which many of us knew from the very start, is finally emerging, leaving our so-called “experts” scrambling in the dust. 

After enduring endless lies, relentless mockery, and non-stop political agendas, the American public is growing weary of these supposed untouchable know-it-alls. It turns out they’re not perfect after all. They’re just easily-bought mouthpieces willing to say and do anything for a buck. 

Oh, and once they’re called out for their lies and manipulation, they’ll do everything they can to cover up and hide what they did. Let freedom ring!

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott Atlas hit the nail on the head when he said that the plummeting support for so-called “science” and “experts” can be laid right at the feet of the disgraced elitist, Anthony Fauci.

Anthony Fauci's career has left "massive damage to the trust of Americans...on science, on public health leadership, on the credentials of people the we normally respected," -- Dr. Scott Atlas.

After all we’ve been through and so many masks that have been savagely ripped off, why would anybody in their right mind trust our elites or the “experts”? 

After years of lies about covid, the Russia collusion hoax, the bogus impeachments, the January 6 big lie, calling half of Americans white supremacists and election deniers for questioning the 2020 election, etc., why would anyone trust “the science” or the establishment media? 

Given all the fake news and misinformation we now know the “experts” spread, we can’t help but wonder if this number is a heck of a lot lower than what this poll shows....<<<Read More>>>...