Further Reading

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

The “bad flu” called covid came and went before the end of 2019

 Trigger warning for the normies but at some point, you are going to have to wake up to the truth and maybe even do something about it if you want to avoid a repeat. I’m not holding my breath.

Covid, in-so-far as it is in any way distinct, came and did its seasonal thing in the autumn/winter of 2019. A few people noticed but it was no cause for alarm over and above a “bad flu.” As it happens, you can add my septuagenarian mother to the list. She got “it” in Dec 2019 too and was laid up in bed for at least two days, which is very unusual for her.

What happened in spring 2020 was nothing more than a whole lot of iatrogenic harm in one way or another, instigated by governments, aided and abetted by the media.

The good, honest people, relying on nothing but the evidence and their superior analytical skills are all coming to that same conclusion.

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It really doesn’t matter where you are on the “viruses exist and cause disease” spectrum, the “pandemic” had very little to do with a virus and very much to do with the “response.....<<<Read More>>>...