Further Reading

Wednesday 5 June 2024

The Role of Thought Power in the Cause and Effect Dynamics of Global Crisis

 We are only just beginning to recognise the extraordinary power that exists within the field of our projected thoughts. The power to do good and the power to do harm.

We need to be aware that multiple interconnected streams of invisible energy carry our thought waves from one end of the world to the other; contributing to the overall psychic health or sickness of all sentient life forms.

The ‘thought manufacturers’ of the push for full spectrum dominance and central control within a New World Order/Great Reset, are fully aware of the power available to them through the organised projection of thought patterns.

However, by raising our levels of psychic awareness we can neutralise and ultimately overcome this covert – and increasingly overt – attack on our mental well being.

The key recognition which accompanies holistic awareness, reveals that within life’s manifestation

There is nothing that is not connected with everything else.

Although that is initially a difficult fact to absorb, it is an irrefutable truth.

Try to discover something that falls outside this paradigm – and you will surely be unsuccessful.

This is because, in universal terms, ‘creation’ involves a process of expanding diversification from a central causality event. As when one drops a stone in a pool of water the resulting ripples expand ever outwards.

We humans are a very recent part of this expanding life diversification process. Only around a million years old within a planetary evolution process of x billions of years.

The new kid on the block in terms of the evolution of the species and planetary flora and fauna, we therefore have much to learn about who we are and how we fit within the extraordinary kaleidoscope of life.

It is for this reason that we tend to find ourselves flailing around in confusion in an era when a multiple number of crises seem to be overtaking planetary life pretty much simultaneously.

Within a holistic/quantum assessment of what is ‘cause’ and what is ‘effect’ within times of crisis, it’s important to be aware that the state of health of man is reflected in the state of health of the planet (Gaia) and that state of health of the planet is reflected in the state of health of man.

Everything is connected and unfailingly cuts both ways.

For example, in Chaos Theory it is surmised that a butterfly flapping its wings over Central Park in New York, effects the weather in London.

While this is deliberately at the extreme end of believability, the physics of interconnectedness shows it to be not simply a dreamy delusion.

Each of our actions – and that includes our thoughts – have repercussions. Repercussions on ourselves, others, the natural environment and the universe.

Yet in our conversations we speak of things happening ‘in the outside world’ as though they are entirely separate and unrelated to us...<<<Read More>>>...