Further Reading

Monday 1 July 2024

Gullible, and possibly insane, people and other passing observations

In his latest passing observations, ‘Passing Observations 252’, Dr. Vernon Coleman notes that there are about ten million gullible and possibly insane people in Britain who now take a statin every day.

But they are not the only gullible people in the UK. There are also those who believe in climate change and vaccination and the Great Reset and Net Zero – including most of our local councillors.

Speaking of politics, the worst-case scenario after the UK’s general elect is a coalition of Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

“You can easily tell just how many brazen, out-and-out fascists there are in the UK today. They’re the ones with orange posters for the Liberal Democrats displayed in their windows or in their gardens,” Dr. Coleman says.

1. There have been a few modestly warm days recently, but in the middle of June 2024 the official temperature for the warmest part of England was a shivery four degrees C at night and a brisk eight degrees C during the daytime. (When we started to shiver we put our central heating back on.) And yet we were being told that the temperature was above normal for the time of the year. If you don’t know what is going on please watch my video entitled `The Covid Genocide Unravels’. You’ll find the scary explanation for the changes in our weather at the end of the video. And, of course, the explanation has absolutely nothing to do with cars, cows, aeroplanes or volcanoes. Click HERE to watch the video.

2. Best case scenario in the UK’s election would be a Parliament full of independent (non-party) MPs. That’s not going to happen. Second best scenario: a coalition between Tories and Reform. There is no other acceptable result. Worst case scenario: a coalition between Labour and Liberal Democrats.

3. It is now almost impossible to go for a walk anywhere in England without coming across out of control off the lead dogs. No one gives a damn about people who are nervous of dogs or who dislike being bitten. And the police don’t seem aware of the law which makes it an offence if anyone reports that they were alarmed, upset or nervous because of a dog in any public place. Anyone bitten by a dog should make a formal complaint to the police and sue the owner for vast sums in damages.

4. About ten million gullible and possibly insane people in Britain now take a statin every day. I look forward to seeing the research which confirms that it is safe to take one of these drugs together with a covid-19 vaccine. I wrote about the risks with statins in the 1990s and I haven’t changed my mind about them.

5. A nurse has been suspended for six months for taking two headache tablets without permission. On the other hand, not one nurse has been suspended for injecting patients with the covid-19 vaccine – a product known to be useless and dangerous.

8. Net immigration figure for Britain show that the country has 1.9 million more people than it had three years ago – most of them in England which has for years been the most overcrowded country in the world (excluding a few oddities such as Monaco). That’s nearly two million people wanting health care, space on the roads and fresh drinking water. It’s nearly two million more people using the country’s Victorian sewers. And the 1.9 million figure is the net immigration figure. Actually, around three million people came into the country (most of them attracted by free money and free housing) and one million (hard-working taxpayers left) left to go somewhere less crowded. Britain is doomed.

13. Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is a getting sillier by the day. Apparently, Apple smartphones can now send automatic replies to emails. And then, presumably, the recipient’s phone replies to the automatic email. And so on ad infinitum. The people who own the phones communicate with one another without having to read or write what is being said in their name. How long will it be before a phone asks another phone to marry it? Or the boss’s phone fires everyone because they’re no longer needed. Oh, what fun.

14. A growing number of councillors are either permanently unemployed or are school teachers. The real problem, of course, is that most councillors are part of the establishment. They are so ignorant that they believe in climate change and vaccination and the Great Reset and Net Zero....<<<Read More>>>...