Further Reading

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Merck Was Injecting Girls With Aluminum But Told Them It Was A Saline Placebo: This Is Why It's Called "Big Pharma"

I’ve seen some people scoff at the word “Big Pharma.” To someone like me, it refers to the documented criminal activities we’ve seen take place for decades by large pharmaceutical companies.

For example, from 2002 to 2010 Pfizer was assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards and set records for both criminal fines and total penalties. This type of thing is disturbingly common, yet it was only during the COVID era that more people came to be aware of such facts.

"A corporation may treat both criminal and civil penalties as simply business expenses, to be weighed against the revenues earned from illegal behaviour. But human beings can be put in jail, and that is a whole other matter. Conceivably, convicting corporate executives of criminal behaviour and sentencing them to terms of imprisonment might be a more effective deterrent to the “repeat offender” behaviour demonstrated by Pfizer." - Robert G. Evans, PhD, Emeritus Professor, Vancouver School of Economics (PMID: 21532766)

The story below isn’t quite ‘criminal’ per se, because Merck and federal health regulatory agencies believe aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are completely safe, but we’ll get to that later...<<<Read More>>>...