Graphene is in the fake ‘Covid’ vaccines and is a superconductor of
electricity and amplifier of electromagnetism in the body. This means
that it rewires electrical communication in the brain and amplifies the
effects of the electromagnetic ‘Cloud’ being projected from low-orbit by
Musk and other satellites and by 5G towers. Coincidence? Not a chance.
Lundstrom, a family dentist, who formerly had contacted me to provide
Darkfield Microscopy testing on dental anesthetics, was able to get
analysis done at the University of Boulder Colorado – and they confirmed
Graphene. He has been posting the results of his endeavors to get
answers on his website. Dr Kernan also did analysis, as did Clifford
Carnicom and myself. You can find these results here: Dental Anesthetics analysis Dr Lundstrom
They explain....<<<Read More>>>...