Further Reading

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

New Zealand’s new PANDEMIC PLAN will bring martial law, forced vaccination

Like clockwork, Western hegemony is crumbling to pieces as the world's tyrants cook up plans to systematically enslave what remains of Western society under full-scale medical martial law.

New Zealand is leading the way with a new pandemic plan that allows the minister of health to utilize "special powers" in the event of an emergency, allowing politicians to become dictators. The goal is to force everyone to take every new "vaccine" that comes down the pike for whatever contrived "pandemic" they come up with next.

According to the plan, the minister of health will have the power to "detain, isolate, or quarantine persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft and animals" in the event of a public health scare.

Unelected medical officers will have the power to force people to take experimental drug shots, drug pills and other pharmaceutical poisons for their own good, much like what happened during the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) "pandemic."

Police will also have newfound authority to help medical officers and other public health officials enforce the new rules, which will be mandatory for everyone (except those on the top, presumably)...<<<Read More>>>.....