Who are the “far right” – the people being blamed for the unrest throughout Britain?
You are.
you are a raging commie, fascist member of Starmer’s predictably Net
Zero loving far left Government (which is determined to destroy everyone
and everything of value) you are a member of the Far Right. In America
you are a member of the Far Right if you aren’t a fervent supporter of
the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Harris Democrats.
If you have any
savings, you aren’t a “working person.” The British Government despises
everyone with £1 in the bank or building society. And plans to destroy
you – using the myth of global warming and the weapon of Net Zero to do
The politicians and the mainstream (corporate) journalists
live in a cocoon. They have no idea of the fear being created by mass
immigration. They don’t see the effect the nation’s overcrowding is
having. It is the overcrowding which is destroying public services. It
is the overcrowding which means that our roads are constantly blocked
and our rivers filthy.
England has been the most overcrowded
country in the world for years. Today, it is so overcrowded that the
Government is planning to build on the green belt. There’s a housing
shortage because millions of people (many of whom hate Britain) are
moving to Britain for free money, free food and free housing.
yet the riots currently tearing Britain apart have been deliberately
manufactured. Crazy policies (unapproved by the population) are tearing
the country apart and giving the Government an excuse to bring in more
laws and more police. Protesting will be classified as terrorism.
by the way, that only 1 in 5 people in Britain voted for Sir Keir “Free
Suits” Starmer. Four out of five electors did NOT want Starmer’s bunch
of dangerous idiots in charge.)
The riots are being used to launch peasant shooting season.
And we are the peasants.
Brutal, authoritarian and pitiless politicians want to destroy everything we value.
Two-tier policing has clearly been introduced.
autumn Starmer and Co will push up the minimum wage and increase public
sector wages. The inevitable result will be a jump in inflation and a
rise in interest rates (as I long ago predicted). Mortgage rates may
fall for a few weeks. But they’ll soon be rising again. Tax rises will
destroy anyone with small savings, with a small business or with hope or
The weapon which is being used to destroy you and your world is Net Zero...<<<Read More>>>.....