Further Reading

Friday, 13 September 2024

Britain will be the first country to be killed off by “net zero”

 Doom and gloom according to Dr Doom. Controlled opposition to scare us? It reads very much like BS.


The Labour Party has only been in power for weeks but they are doing everything they can to destroy what is left of the country as they take us into the world of Net Zero. And they’re going to be very successful at it.

As globally they push us into the Great Reset via the pain of Net Zero, the world is coming to an end. And Britain will be the first country to die.

Everyone who has skills or a little money is leaving Britain. Most of the really rich have gone. Tourists aren’t coming to the UK because they know there is no health care and the transport system is broken. Soon all that will be left will be the scroungers, the long-term unemployed, the millions suffering from fake diseases such as long covid, the millions injured by the covid vaccine and the plane and boat loads of immigrants who aren’t making their way to Britain because they love Shakespeare, Dickens and Turner but because, although they hate Britain and the British, our Government will give them free money to send or take home.

The excuse, of course, is global warming – the greatest and most absurd fraud in human history. (The comedy reached new depths last week when I heard it claimed that 2024 had been the worst summer for years while at the same time also being the hottest summer in history. You’d think they’d settle on a story, wouldn’t you?)

Billions have been spent on promoting wind farms and solar farms that use up more energy than they produce. And Governments are having such a job finding enough suckers to buy electric cars that they are rationing “proper” petrol and diesel driven cars. The world is coming to an end as they push us into the Great Reset via the pain of Net Zero. And Britain will be the first country to die....<<<Read More>>>...