Further Reading

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

UK prepares five million vaccine doses in case of bird flu pandemic

 Another script from The Pantomime scene 'lets scare the crap out of the useless eaters'. An excuse perhaps to start ridding our shelves of poultry even more than they already have ..... ??


The UK has secured a contract for more than five million doses of a bird flu vaccine, to be used if the H5N1 strain spreads among humans, as part of preparations for any possible influenza pandemic. The UKHSA says at this stage there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

More than five million doses of a vaccine are being prepared in the UK to combat any potential bird flu pandemic.

The jab – the human H5 influenza vaccine – is only intended for use if a strand of the virus known as H5N1 spreads among humans....<<<Read More>>>...