familiar with the New Age jargon that made its appearance back in the
late 1980's, will have heard of the Chakras - invisible energy vortexes
or wheels that drive the psychic energies throughout our spiritual
bodies. Although there are supposedly hundreds of such chakras, focus is
paid to the main seven chakras and the way they apparently control our
spiritual development.
do the chakras really exist? Are they a myth or a reality? Do chakra
blockages REALLY happen, and do they really shape our spiritual
development? That is the debate here ...
I've been involved in the psychic field since about 1984, and it was at
that time when I first heard of the chakras. I undertook many
disciplines and meditations to experience the chakras. But I was never
convinced they existed. I've never seen anything that proves their
existence, but I have experienced numerous INCREDIBLE energetic
phenomenon. My pineal gland (The legendary Brow Chakra) has done strange
things, I've seen incredible visions and still do to this day. My
Kundalini has been activated, and I've felt awesome energies flow up and
down my back, into my head, into my arms and feet. I've also felt all
the negative effects of this incredible energy source - desperation,
despair, suicidal tendencies, severe depression and a host of muscular
and nervous system complaints. I've also felt the incredible euphoria of
a so called 'crown opening' ONCE, and for a week I was seeing the world
in a totally different way. I understood the concept of it being an
illusion and a game and a virtual reality only. The energy flowing out
of me was incredible, and the instant healings I was able to perform was
crazy. A healing friend at the time had never felt an energy of such a
magnitude before. My late mentor had taken me to a Hindu temple in
Bolton, UK, and I was met with sheer amazement and disbelief by the
HIndu Adepts there. It was impossible for me to be exhibiting the energy
and the vibrational rate that I was. But was it the crown chakra
opening? Unlikely as I think the chakras are imaginative and not real.
I have found other explanations for these occurrences, and am not one
who has fallen for the chakra explanations. I agree with the teachings
of my old mentor who stated that it was impossible to open the crown
chakra at this time. I'm amazed at the number of naive and ignorant
individuals out there who claim to have opened their crown chakra. It's a
dangerous pursuit and very likely the last thing you will ever do on
this earth plane. Our minds are not equipped with the ability to deal
with the consequences of such an action. The brow chakra relates, in my
understanding, to the soft part of the head that closes off when a child
is born. I know people talk of symbolic openings of the crown chakra.
But are they all just following a 'fad stream'? Are chakras real or are
they a new age fashion accessory?
the same with so called 'chakra blockages'. Put chakra blockages in a
google search and there are 234,000 results. It's big business and
seemingly a spiritual fact. So naturally everyone will accept the belief
of chakras and blocked chakras because 'everyone else does'. But do
they really exist/ There are thousands of sites on the net explaining
what the symptoms of each blocked chakra is, together with offering a
multitude of ways to unblock the chakra. But is it true? What I see here
is a rehash and a regurgitation of the same old, same old information.
Nobody is thinking for themselves here, which is so typical of the New
Age movement. Person A writes on a subject and states it as a fact and
everyone follows on the say of Person A. Nobody questions the myth.
So,ok, with Chakras there is a Sanskrit origin for the word and a whole
Eastern tradition around chakras. But where is the proof that they exist
and that they can be blocked. I'm showing my skepticism here I know,
which is rare, but I've been mulling over this question for about 20
years. I've yet to see real proof it is the chakras that is responsible
for all the energetic phenomenon which has happened to me. Phenomenon
which so called teachers have said is due to my chakras. I've had
unexplained phenomenon and experiences too which do not fit into chakra
moulds by the way.
meditation I've sought out these fabled wheels, I've asked the other
dimensions for their help. All I ever get in response is the question
'do they really exist, as they don't do over here'. This has been said
to me countless times.
in recent months I've heard people stating that some chakras are 47%
blocked or 75% blocked. And that by a vibrational healing method they
can undo these blockages. My claircognizance (Which rarely lets me down)
has been hitting me hard with its 'no' or 'this isn't right' responses,
and I've been very questioning of these claims. It does not sit right
with me. It's too easy to fall for it because of the overwhelming 'blind
faith' belief in these invisible wheels. There are heaps of hapless
souls out there with vivid imaginations who will state categorically
that the chakras do exist and they can be blocked. They will claim also
that their crown chakra is open wide, and I will just go 'whatever' to
them. My own extensive research over 31 years says otherwise. I've
experienced a multitude of things that are not even on the internet.
Real experiences that are solid and real. Fire letters that enter the
pineal gland for example and then burn your entire consciousness with an
incredible energy. Now that is real and I can say that Fire Letters are
REAL. I've had screaming noises inside my head that are REAL and very
scary. I've have had many such experiences I know are real. Yet in all
this time I've only ever imagined the chakras and their effects. Plenty
of energy burns and energy anomalies - which can all be explained away
as bio-electrochemical energy through the endocrine system - life force
energy (Ki energy in other worlds) ... I accept that KI energy is real.
But chakras? And chakra blockages, Unlikely in my experience - Matthew