Further Reading

Sunday, 2 March 2025

How many lives would have been saved if the MHRA hadn’t snubbed the vaccine-injured?

 OUR medicines watchdog has blamed ‘missing information’ for its failure to act on early reports of potentially fatal side effects to AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine. It did not mention that it rarely followed up victims, or contacted their GPs, to ask for the missing information it needed.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), run by Dame June Raine during covid, has been criticised by Conservative former minister Esther McVey, who said the agency should be reformed. It is too late for many who struggled to get any meaningful response after reporting their injuries to the MHRA’s not-fit-for-purpose early warning Yellow Card Scheme.

Former BBC radio presenter Jules Serkin, 66, suffered a life-changing adverse reaction to her one and only AstraZeneca jab received on March 5, 2021. Had our health chiefs taken vaccine injury seriously, her injury may have been prevented, and she may have been able to get help.

Last week she updated the MHRA telling them: ‘Nearly four years on, I am still suffering the neurological effects caused by batch number PV46671. This one jab has ruined my life and health. Since my initial report to you in 2021, I have thought I would die many times.

‘I suffer extreme pains in my head, lightning strikes in my head and eyes. My left eye is especially scary. The brow is drooped and the NHS had to lift my eyelids as I could not see properly. The symptoms mimic a stroke, but A&E in my local hospital in Ashford, Kent, is so inundated I waited 21 hours in a chair as they wanted to admit me. They had no beds and no access to an MRI scan so now I stay at home during a vax attack and pray I won’t die.’

I first reported on the MHRA’s shambolic system for TCW in May 2021, highlighting that they received reports of no more than 10 per cent of injuries and that the public and many health professionals were unaware of the Yellow Card Scheme. Doctors and nurses were already voicing concerns.

A senior NHS board member said: ‘I know that the Yellow Card reporting system is not reflective of the amount of adverse events that are actually happening. I know of a patient who reported their extreme adverse event side effect to a nurse, and that nurse did not report it to the Yellow Card reporting system. People are told that their adverse events are normal. It is not normal to have to stay in bed for two days after a vaccine.’...<<<Read More>>>...