What a crazy world we live in ... this has been said so many times
before, and will no doubt be said again, and again, and again. With so
many different viewpoints, differing opinions and perceptions how can
any of us make any headway? Why is it so easy to rule mankind by way of
this crazy and chaotic state of confusion which the world is in?
It is because we allow it to be this way.
We all forget that we all live in a unique version of the material
world. We have all been separated from each other. We may interact with
each other, but it is from afar. It is in a distorted and delusional
way. Our unique aspects of universal consciousness are never permitted
to merge and embrace each other. When we do embrace it is courtesy of a
limited five sensory experience that the human skin around our divine
spark permits us to have. It is extremely rare for any of us to truly
experience the merging of consciousness with consciousness.
This crazy world is most definitely a prison of controlled limited
experiences. We are controlled by a energy force that is extremely
scared of us and has to keep us all separated from each other in order
to keep us under its enslavement. It has to poison the human skins, and
constantly watch us 24/7 to see what we are up to. It is very insecure.
It has devised religion and politics and money and laws to control us.
It has created fears and insecurities to limit our perceptions.
It can barely contain us. It is therefore not that powerful. We make it
powerful by thinking it is powerful. We give it power by thinking
ourselves inferior and helpless. It feeds this feeling of helplessness
by feeding us lies about our origins and our capabilities. We can turn
this on its head by changing the way we view ourselves. Each one of us
may be a separate version of the world, but in each one of us everyone
else exists. We are in a holographic reality in which only ONE entity
exists. We are all that one entity. We are its multiple personalities
all interacting with each other. Each personality thinks it is unique
and separate from all the others. That is what an entity has us believe.
But that entity has been deceiving us. It is time to connect with all
the other parts within ourselves to make our way back to the one. Once
back as the one this nightmare must come to an end.
This other
one ... this predatory entity that feeds off our fear and deceives us
about our true nature has one powerful weapon in its arsenal and that is
the false ego - the selfish separate self. The false ego is groomed
from an early age and we are fooled by the surroundings into thinking
this is who we are. It is not who we are. It is the false identity given
to us within this virtual world. This memory world. It is not who we
are. It is a fake. It is a sham.
It is time to forget all that
you are told to be, and to remember who are meant to be. By remembering
your true self ... you become powerful. You become a threat to the
predatory entity ... it is afraid of you remembering who and what you
really are.