remember back in 1985, when I sat in a Psychic Development Circle on a
night when we were going to meet our 'spirit guide'. The concept of the
meditation was that we were going to a clearing in the woods where a
person (Our Spirit Guide) was going to appear, then bring the sun down
to us to prove its service to us.
was fairly new to the Spirit Guide idea at the time. I had been
surrounded by spirit entities all my life. Real experiences. Entities
that had appeared to me; has wandered through dreams with me. There was
also the old man ... the Merlin/Odin/Thoth look-a-like. None of these
had ever discussed the concept of spirit guides. They'd telepathically
shown me many other things; made predictions which had come true. But
not one of them had said 'I am your spirit guide'. So to that point I'd
never needed a spirit guide, so I'd never had one. To this day I've
still not had one ... but I will get to that point, as I am getting
ahead of myself.
there was about 30 of us sitting in this development circle. The
relaxation music was played, and my mentor described the journey in a
guided meditation.
came out of the meditation with nothing. Not a sausage. No guide. No
nothing. How was I going to narrate that to my mentor when it came my
time to speak of my journey? I was about 11 or 12th in the group, so by
the time we'd listened to the first related journeys we learnt of the
Native American guides; the Egyptian Guide with the fantastic crystals;
the Chinese Mandarin and a few other of the most 'popular' looking
guides. By the time it came my turn to talk, I had invented a 'guide'
... a poorly dressed Nordic warrior with a big sword. My mentor had just
looked at me with a knowing smile. She hadn't believed me. I then sat
listening to all the accounts of fabulous guides.
it came to the end of the evening, and we all stayed behind for a drink
and a social chat. Here was the most interesting point of the evening.
It turned out there was approximately 30 people in the circle. Out of
that 30 people, it turned out there was over half that had made up their
guide to save face! They'd had wonderful meditations but had not met
anyone on the journey. So, like me, to avoid embarrassment, they'd
described the first thing that had come to their head. Their spirit
guides had been a figment of their imagination!
How many people in the New Age Movement have done the same? It therefore begs the question, 'spirit guides are they really there?'
to the traditional literature appertaining to Spirit Guides, each and
every one of us is supposed to have twelve main guides. That's a lot of
spirit guides. The world population is currently 7.125 billion. That
means there are 7.125 million x 12 guides out there. Probable or myth?
The problem I have, is that I never take anything on face value and I
always question everything I see and I'm told. Spirit guides have never
sat right with me.
do we need intermediary assistants when our Authentic Selves (Our
Spirit) is connected to the universal consciousness, is a part of the
universal hologram, so has all things within itself? Why go to a second
party for guidance and direction? Our Authentic Self knows ourselves
better than anything else?
people really communicate with a separate entity or entities which come
to them as spirit guides? Or is it an aspect of their own multiple
selves that communicates with them? I've been asking this question for
the best part of 30 years, still awaiting the arrival of one of my
twelve guides! Yet, I am able to comprehensively communicate with the
other side, and provide incredible validatory evidence again, and again,
and again without the intervention of a guide. I always find myself
communicating directly with the discarnate soul or inter-dimensional
entity. There is never a guide 'telling me to say this' or 'telling me
to say that'. Not once. Not ever. So in my experience there are no
spirit guides. Yet so many people relate tales to the outside world
about their connections with spirit guides. How many of these
connections are truly separate entities?
so I have a large group of deceased family members and close friends
who converse with me from time to time. In recent times, my old mentor
Paula Paradaema and my old medium friend Peter Patrick have caused havoc
on Australian TV's Psychic TV when they have overshadowed me on live TV
and forced me to chaotically give out my messages. But that's not
guides at work! I've had clients deceased family members ushering in
other deceased members but that still isn't spirit guides. No spirit has
yet to say to me, ever, 'I'm your spirit guide'. I've literally made
thousands and thousands of validated connections to the spirit world,
but in none of them has there been a spirit guide.
I witness numerous mediums and psychics who talk about their spirit
guides and preach to the masses about the existence of spirit guides. It
all goes back to the early days of the New Age Movement and the fashion
accessories everyone is supposed to wear! Before the advent of the New
Age Movement, the old style mediums didn't have spirit guides ... so why
have spirit guides suddenly become an accepted part of spiritual
who comes to me for Spiritual Development will not be taught about how
to connect with Spirit Guides. With nearly 45 years of communicating
with spiritual entities, I can honestly say that spirit guides are not
necessary. In my development groups I show people how to communicate
with spirit directly themselves.
don't dismiss the possibility that family members and friends are
helpers and lend a helping hand to make our connection with their world
easier ... I just completely disagree with the spirit guide dogma that
is circulating around the psychic world. It is nonsense that the
original Person A began writing about as a requirement, and then like
lemmings the psychic world populace have followed Person A like lemmings
- accepting without question the need for spirit guides. Then using the
figment of their right brain imagination, aspects of themselves have
become spirit guides. It is a misleading concept and one I've taken with
a pinch of salt for over 30 years. My spiritual work has never suffered
for the lack of my 'twelve spirit' guides - in fact I am ever so
grateful for not having any guides. I am responsible for everything I
receive. I am also in total control of the information I am given ... I
can decide what to filter and what not to filter.
in my opinion are spirit guides really there? No, I don't believe they
are. And what I am concerned about it is the naivety that the
inexperienced spiritual warriors accept anything that attaches itself to
them and offers guidance. The Astral Plane is littered with thousands
of lower entities who are only too willing to link with earth bound
souls ... and use them as a 'drive through KFC' ... as an energy source.
By establishing a need and a dependence on them, the earth bound soul
will become reliant on this lower entity. An entity which can manifest
an image of anything the inexperienced spiritual warrior wants it to be.
To the unwary and the ignorant, this can take place, It takes
experience to be aware of this, and to constantly test the links that
are made on a mind level.
topic of spirit guides in truth opens up a huge can of worms ... the
possibilities of what is really going on is endless. I say that people
need to wise up and not be as naive as they are being. Each and every
connection made with the spirit world, is first established on the
Astral Plane, which is filled with so much junk and bullshit - that it
is really very hard to distinguish what is real and what is fantasy. It
takes decades to perfect the means of determining truth from illusion.
Therefore it is scary to think of all the misguided mediums and psychics
out there who believe they have guides ... when in truth they are
dealing with figments of their imagination. These thought form
identities can be used as servitors by not only the person who created
them, but also by cunning ex-humans and non-humans who lurk on the
astral plane. It is important to realise this can take place. Spirit
guides may well not be what they appear to be. It's a bit like being a
young child, who's never heard of murderers or rapists, who goes out
into the park and then makes friends with the first person who greets
them in the park. That person can say anything to the gullible child.
The child is none the wiser. The person could be a rapist or a murderer
who has dark designs on that child ... the principle of spirit guides is
just the same! There are entities out there which will pray on the
minds of the hapless and naive spiritual travellers. It is a scary
reality which is going on out there - Matthew James