Further Reading

Thursday 16 November 2006

The Chronicles Of Ezra - Extract #4 - The Beach

Extract taken from 'The Chronicles Of Ezra' written by Matthew James

Imagine again the first beach you stepped foot on. The wind is blowing hard through your hair. It is a cold wind. You shiver and pull tight your simple robe.

Concentrate on this.

Bring this image to mind at the exclusion of all others.

You are cold. You are shivering. Your bare feet are numb with the touch of freezing water on them. The water in which you stand is only a matter of a couple of inches deep - no deeper. Look at your feet. Look at the sand. Golden sand. Look at the water, it is golden too. The sun has only just gone down. Look and you will see its last traces on a golden horizon. A golden horizon turning black in places where the cosmos is breaking through the clouds.


Look to your left and see the dark shapes of the rocks the pinnacles which make up this part of the shore line.


Good ... now walk towards the nearest rocks. Walk slowly. You will still be shivering. You will be drenched with sea spray. There will be a taste of salt on your lips. Notice your feet ... they are beginning to sink into the sand. You will notice it is much harder not to walk. Your feet are being sucked into the sand.


You now find it impossible to walk without sinking to your ankles ... then to your knees. Stop. Stay perfectly still. You have a problem here. You are too heavy for the sand.
I have the solution. A solution which will require much mental imagery from you.
Concentrate for me on the right pocket of your robe. Reach in and you will feel something warm there. Something fabric-like to the touch. Pull it out, slowly. It is our next key. Notice as you pull it out, it has no weight. It should fit snugly in the palm of your hand.

Good ... now slowly pull your clenched right hand up to your face and open your hand slowly.

You should just be able to see the feather by the light of the fading sun.
Now as you look at the feather, you begin to take in its image. You see its colours. You feel its texture. You sense the life force of the bird it has come from still alive in its structure. It is this life force you have to somehow extract.

This essence.

This miracle of life.

You have to learn from that tiny feather how to fly. How to lift yourself out of the sinking sands. You must learn of weightlessness and of how to defy gravity from that one feather.
Now ... listen ... that feather is made from the same universal energy as you are. You and the feather are thus one and the same. Now, grip the feather with your hand and imagine it being part of you.

Concentrate ... your hand will feel different.


Describe to yourself the difference.

Now expand on that thought. Imagine the feather to be part of you. The feather and you are on and the same. The same energy. Part of the same structure.

Expand the thoughts .... how does that feel?

Concentrate and let your mind focus on the thought.

Become the feather.

Now become aware the feather is not on its own. There are other feathers, touching it, surrounding it.

Concentrate ... be aware.

How does that feel.

Extend the thought.

The multitude of feathers cover a body ... a bird`s body. Concentrate and become aware of this. Communicate with the thoughts, communicate with the feather. Ask the feather to reveal its life force to you.

Its essence.
The image of the sands will return back to you .... now.

Your awareness of the feather is very strong. Your awareness of being light as that feather is complete. You now see your predicament - the sand is up to your neck. Time is short.

You are being pulled under the sand. But you are not scared. Instead, a definite intention fills your thoughts. The sands are not about to pull you under.

Instead, you become the weightlessness of the feather and magnify the feeling. In magnifying the feeling, you become tuned into another kind of awareness. You connect with the bird the feather was once part of.

Its image fills your mind ... now ... you see it there alive before you.

You are part of its life force. If you are part of it, you are therefore able to fly. You are able to lift thus out of the sand and into the sky above. Become aware of the total belief that you can do this.

First you attuned yourself to the feather, became the feather; next you attuned yourself to the greater whole the feather belonged to; you thus saw the image of the bird it was part of; next you became that greater whole.

You are now that bird.

Your thoughts are metamorphosed into the thought form of the bird.
You now lift out of the sand.

You lift, you lift.

You are going up, up, up and out of the sand.

You feel the wind around you.

You feel the great pull on your wing muscles.

You are up, up and out into the sky.

Your vision changes now and becomes that of the bird.

You are now free of all the restraints and the suction of the wet sand. You are now a being of the air. You are the bird. Remember the vision you had before and realise what kind of bird you were.
You now must come to land on the cliffs above the beach.

It is important you do this.

It is your time to return once more to the awareness you are this time; this place as the human being. Before you return, realise you now have the ability to lose the shackles that hold you down on the earth plane. You are able now to walk completely freely through the doorway and explore the lands beyond. No other mortal can now restrain you with pure thoughts and suggestions.

You are once more free of the selfishness that has held you back over the past eons.
Remember this as you open your eyes and return back. Open your eyes ... now.