Further Reading

Wednesday 15 November 2006

Ezra Extract #3 - The Legacy

Extract taken from 'The Chronicles Of Ezra' written by Matthew James

"And in the future it all stood to become lost. Lost due to the selfishness of the power seeking belialians. We, the chosen, would be unable to prevent universal intention. For it was intention of the source to inflict a payback on mankind. A payback designed to teach mankind a mechanism unique to the manifest plane.

All actions have a reflection
All actions return on a circle
They are bound to return
All action have a reaction
Two halves of the whole
All deeds have a shadow
It is the shadow that makes itself known

Gratefully, I wasnt made the spokesperson in the great hall. I wouldnt have relished talking to all those countless thousand souls. Instead Akrah wandered through the hall talking to the groups of souls who sat together there. I knew from my link to his thoughts he was seeking representatives - team leaders. Later, he gathered the team leaders together and impressed on them that they would act as teachers to the different groups.

Somehow the intention of the source had to be broadcast. It was too early to determine if all could think as one. It would have been unlikely.

The team leaders it turned out were the teachers of the groups. The masters and adepts who had recognised the pupils in their groups who were most linked to the source.

I wasnt permitted to join in the team leader talks. But I gleaned from the images and thoughts that stemmed from the first meeting it was clear what the source wanted from us all. There would be a structure. There would be a role for each and every one of us. We would form a legacy for initiates in the future who would come forward and wish to learn the truth. For the Belialians would hide the truth of creation from mankind. That was a certainty. They would have a secret agenda to follow. An agenda which required their report on the creation of mankind to be fed to mankind. It would be us to uphold the truth. To protect those who came forward wishing to know what really went on. It would be us who would create an enigma and a mystery. A code to the structure that only those of the right intention would ever solve.

Thus, the first meeting of the team leaders represented the very start of the legacy. The beginning of the preservation of the truth for the future. For the time when we could all join up again and remember. For then would be when the cloud would lift from the central sun - when the time of darkness would be over and our destiny could be fulfilled.

After a long time of waiting on my part, Akrah returned to where I was sitting on the central podium and brought with him eleven people, five were male and six were female. I was quickly introduced to each in turn. The majority were of the true Atlan race - dark skinned and black haired. However there was one fish person and one of the off land white haired, yellow hair and blue eyes.

Akrah then arranged us in a circle of twelve with himself placed in the centre. He described us as his inner circle. We were to be his group. He termed us his children. None of us disputed he would be our teacher, me especially. I knew what Akrah was capable of and quickly settled down to the first in a series of affirmations.

Thus began the legacy.

There were many groups of twelve with teacher. This form the basic structure of the legacy.
Those that were left after the first grouping had taken place, where then assigned a first grouping and became an outer circle. Then the process begin again and again. Until each group comprised an inner circle and many outer circles.

This continued until everybody was assigned a group.

Thus the structure became complete.

It soon became clear that every group leader, including Akrah, was directly linked to the source. The source being the overseer of the proceedings. The source thus represented the original cause or the intention behind the structure.

We soon learnt that the choosing of the groups was not a haphazard thing. On the contrary. Each group was assigned members with similar experiences and understanding. Thus, the group I was assigned to specialised in the attributes of healing and dealing with the suffering of souls. Akrah became known as Mikel from thereon and was deemed the Guardian of the healers.

(At this point I must stress, that I am Ezra The Scribe and these be the chronicles of the truth. I hast recorded them the best way I can, with words that best describe the events and occurrences when they took place. I must report that where I truly don’t understand the events, I hast used my own interpretation. Thus in some places I will be deemed to be vague. I hast no doubt it will be deemed as ignorance on my part. That perhaps, as is the way of magic schools, I hast elected to leave certain parts out. This be not the case.)

And so the time of mass affirmations and visualisations began.

It was the responsibility of each Guardian to ensure that its group reported all experiences and accrued knowledge into the essence of that part of the structure. For the structure was to become a living consciousness. A consciousness composed of mental images, thoughts, feelings. From the word go the source, via the guardians, was perfectly clear in its intentions.

We were to be a seed. A tiny atom that would over eons reproduce itself a million times over. Each cell containing the simple structure of a teacher and twelve students. A guardian and twelve arch-guardians. The structure would develop into an apparent shape made of globes of knowledge. Each globe would be interconnected and each globe would be under the control/rulership of a guardian.

When I visualised myself looking down at the floor of the great hall, at all the interconnected groups with their concentric outer rings, I had the distinct impression of gazing at the roots of a tiny tree. A living tree. A live tree. A sapling.

It was a mighty task. We spent several years in the hall of records perfecting the thought projection techniques; nurturing the structure; making sense of it all. Time was irrelevant though as if we existed in a vacuum - an empty space comprised of the fabrics of the universe itself. Few of us would venture out of the halls; when we did it was by way of projections for the hall of records was sealed form the outside world. Its food supply nil, so volunteers had to venture out on a regular basis to obtain simple supplies. Thus we lived on a diet of fish and fruits obtained from the hillsides and shorelines of the temple isle.

We thus lived simply.

The reports of the advancement of the technology of the outside world no longer bothered us; apart from a small minority within the group. Over the early years a tolerance was developed toward the disobedience of a few members in the group. They were offered the opportunity to leave on more than one occasion. It was an understandable thing, for within the structure were all human experiences and emotions. Every conceivable experience, so far, was contained within the structure.

The guardians mentioned that eventually, the groups would disband, and the members leave in order to experience more. These experiences would then be brought back into the structure at a later date.

It was a complex mechanism. One I didnt really comprehend."