Further Reading

Sunday 5 November 2006

Daath Visions

A spectre stands before me ... a menacing light blocking my path
The star fields fill the sky above me; their presence my guide
The intruder stands its ground; a shroud of black hides its features
Sparks of cruel black emanate from its staff ... as it stamps on the ground
The vibrations on the earth around me ... slow, deliberate and dehabilitating ...

Energies of the Qlippoth raised against me ... a furies storm ...
A black magician stands before me ... raising that evil against me
The primal world shells welded into a barrier of force .... to stop me
Menace and malice incarnate ... emanating from the staff of fury
I know the entity then ... a warlock ... one of he who cannot be named

Ever closer the corrosive clouds move towards me ... unearthly faces swirl there
Vibrations of un-love and un-compassion float towards me
Threatening to absorb me ... possess me ... dehumanise me
But I stand firm ... I raise imagery of demons ... around me the mirrors
I absorb my own qliptha from within ... merge it with my own essence

I become part of the cosmos around me ... shade of grey ... white and black combined
I visualise the scribe and recite a host of lines of power
I organise my thoughts and forget any sensations of fear I may have
Then ... as the cloud swoops over me ... to consume me ...
I throw out all my power in a wave ... a wave of white incandescence ...

The cloud is gone .... but the malice remains ... the warlock stands defiant
Preparing to raise another storm ... I walk closer and touch its arm
In that instance it issues a mighty howl ... for it sees what I see
It cannot comprehend the white light ... and the compassion I have for all things
Then it becomes absorbed by I ... and I am alone then ... free to go on my way

The path of silver and blue clear for me to resume my passage
The warlock now part of me ... for it’s external expression had been cast by I
For such is the essence of this place ... resonance of thoughts ....
Creations of all parts of self manifest here ... and the unwary are trapped
For few but the initiated are aware of the mechanisms of Daath ...

For it is here where all fears and hopes are held
All failings, all short comings to face before the glorious road of ascension
All things to be faced here compassionately ...
To wander then onwards ... further along this road
No doubt other furies shall manifest before me .... it is the way of this place