Further Reading

Wednesday 15 November 2006

Ezra Extract #2 - 'Harsh Times'

Extract taken from 'The Chronicles Of Ezra' written by Matthew James

"There are major changes afoot in the consciousness of man. Things no longer be the same on the material plane. A lift in vibration hast begun. The agencies of Belial will struggle to keep control. Know the rules within the prison are soon to change. The laws and the cruelty are to get worse; the denial of the truth will get stronger. Belial struggles to keep its hold, thus it shall take drastic measures. What a time ye choose to be incarnate.

Harsh times indeed
Cruel tyrants bearing different faces walk the earth
But know they are all the same
Corruption of power is their driving force
The innocent and the suffering their fodder
Life can only get worse for common mortal man...

But Ezra, thy chronicle`s word are harsh. They can only breed panic within the fibres of the consciousness of man. We hold ourselves to blame for these things have to be said. These words were freely given and ye report them exactly how they were heard. But now, they must be changed. We must calm things down and give mankind hope. For all is not lost. There can be a way to be saved. All is not lost. This must be stressed.

There is hope
There is a light beyond the storm
Darkness will not always be in control
Its hold draws to a close
The central sun is out from behind the clouds
Its light travels quickly to the material shores
Its wondrous effects are soon to be felt.

The central sun. The star around which this solar system revolves. A fact. A truth that can be proven tough I be not here to prove, I merely be here to report. The orbit takes around 20,000 human years. The latest orbit began the time of darkness; the period when the power of Belial took hold. Though Belial be not the cause, Belial merely be a manifestation of the darkness on the entity now known as man. At the end of this orbit comes the time of light again; a period of 20,000 human years of enlightenment and unconditional love; universal consciousness and unity. The time of light fast approaches. In human terms, ye hast only to wait another 25 years. The end of the last cycle of light passing into the time of darkness; the darkness which still be upon ye, saw the fall of Atlan and the creation of all the false religions which control ye so much.

What some human misfits call The New Age; The Age Of Aquarius be now at hand. This name be yet another way of separating mankind from the truth. Mortal names be so dangerous a thing. They be like a tag, weaponry to use to control fellow man by fellow man. Awful deeds always follow when some natural phenomenon be given a mortal name.

The time of light is at hand. The doorkeepers be now incarnate. They waken and they will slowly make themselves known. And the race mankind call The Angels prepare these brave souls and open their consciousness to the universal ways. The brave souls be incarnates of the same race; but they hast forgotten that fact during their fall into the material realms. The angels help them remember, for these souls hast been within human forms for many eons preparing themselves for this role. It shall be their minds that combine to open a corridor in the human consciousness to permit the light of the central sun in. There`s be the eternal battle; there fight with the children of darkness be what ye know as Armageddon. For know the children of the darkness cannot stand the light of the central sun; they need the darkness to survive. For the light demands truth and universal love; darkness quells the love and breeds hate and ignorance. Those who be the children of the darkness have forgotten how to love and are only able to hate such is the ignorance they bear.

Know many other souls, on many other vibrations work with the children of the light to ensure the light of the central sun effects the consciousness of mankind how it should. For the light will bring enlightenment and realisation. The light will enable the truth to be known by all. The light will permit mankind to leave the physical vibrations behind. But pity those with only hate in their souls - they shall be unable to enter the new realms made available when mankind`s consciousness lifts. They will be doomed to a return to the physical vibrations. Know the orb ye know as earth will be forbidden to they; they will have to incarnate on other worlds in order to work off their karma. Know the only world available to they when this takes place shall be what ye know as Saturn. Know for those souls Saturn will be hell; for it is a fiery world. They will be doomed to an eternity of fire and flames.

Ezra, this instruction is true. Listen ... the purge of the darkness must fully be cleansed from your mind. All karma must be cleared before a soul can make that rise into the new vibrations. Before the light of the central sun can grant immortality. Before it slight can enable unification. Any touch of darkness, and a soul is left behind in the fires. The One shall not be complete for many facets still have to return. But the way the physical plane be in current times is how it is meant. Souls work on their karma, fate has speeded up the evolution; the pay off time.

The darkness hid
Within the fabric of the human mind
Unperceivable, unnoticeable
Becoming too confident; too ignorant
But like the tumour it rises to the surface
Making itself known
All the hate, all the greed, all the guilt
Collected in one place
Within one entity
It is contained
It can no longer run

It is the way it is meant to be. The shadow has been contained. All the karma created by The One is being played out in the modern day. All the facets repeating their crimes. Being forced to understand. Before the central sunlight comes. The gamble, the risk The One must take. And it be doubtless Belial is aware. It be revelling in its total power. It pushes for its ultimate goal. Total separation. Total separation before the central sun`s light comes. A race against mortal time.

Be confident Mara-gamiel, part of Ezra. Be confident in what ye report. Be confident in the teachings that are to come. Be the healer once more. Be the scribe. Be the prophet and help the victims who come. Make them realise the pain they bear. Help them to release those burdens. Open their hearts and prepare them for what is to come.

Thy voice is heard and thy role be recognised. Ye may seem to stand alone, but we come close. We aid thee. We sent to thee what ye truly need. Know there be others like ye. Incarnates of Ezra alive this time. IN the modern day like ye. Know they shall be sent to thee. Know across a bridge they shall cross. Know that time be fast approaching."