Further Reading

Sunday 5 November 2006


In ancient texts … the scribes were explicit in their lines,
Beware the lizards who will come among men … who shall appear as men
Who shall place themselves in positions of power … controlling the fate of man
Hiding in the shadows and behind their clever shrouds….

In the modern day … know this is so … the prophecy has been fulfilled ….
They are in the human society
… in every crack, in every vein of that shining diamond field
At every pitch and turn they dictate the pathway of man
...down from the light into the shadows
But know … they never show their true faces to the public arena of man,
Trusting few of the breed of mortals to witness their lizard scales …
Choosing to infest the spirits of contrived blood line hosts …
In order to remain attuned to the physical plane …

Know … that in truth … the mortal vibration is too high for them to sustain incarnation …
Their physical forms of a different vibrational signature
… almost the same but entirely different
Thus they send forth thoughts
… the voices of shadows as they were known in ages past …
To influence the decisions of man … casting illusion into the minds of the weak
… forcing them to act;
Act in the way of the shadows … a alien agenda to suit only the lizard race.
Bringing man on the brink of disaster
… lowering the vibrations of the earth and every human …

Thus permitting a doorway … a portal
… to open between the world of man and the world of shadows.
They have come through … they walk the earth
… shape-shifters with a ‘royal blood’ claim

The pure blood of man matching the serpent blood … the life force of the dragons …
The race within a race that has always secretly ruled man
… since the time of the end of Atlantis.
They hold all positions of power and rank on this earth
… and use their hosts as fodder and puppets,
To perpetuate their cause … their entire structure like the mighty pyramids of Khem …

Mankind at the base holding up their royalty at the very apex …

As it has always been … how they assume it shall always be …
For through food chains … and water supplies … and silver screens
... in deeds of violence and oppression,
They have generated apathy and ignorance within the world of man …
Mankind is too lethargic now to care or accept they are being deceived in this way.

Look now to the icons of the silver screen …
Are they not hosts and carriers of the lizard kin …
The lizard kin are shy to reveal themselves …
The icons are changing their appearance before your eyes
Except they hide it through the evolving norm of ‘plastic surgery’;
Thus their lizard features which are coming through …
the earth is lifting too high to sustain their veils;
And they have had to develop these surgical procedures
...to permit mankind to accept these alterations;
To agree to them being a fact of human life ….

Beware mankind they are now among you …
They learnt from Egypt never to show their true faces before the human people
For in Egypt they were virtually defeated
… resorted back to the shadows
But leaving the doctrines of ‘high magic’
...for curious knowledge seekers to try the rituals again
Willing the black and the shadow back onto the earth ….
Just as they had intended ….

For one cycle was completed …one of the many through the aeons of man
And there was always the risk mankind would never summon they again
But …mankind succumbed
… and now they bring in the next phase of their grande design
For the time is short … the ecosystem of their own world crumbles …
And they must weaken and overcome mankind soon
… in order to claim this world
Before the end of the next cycle … which is here and now
… for the crossing arrives
Their world … their home …