Further Reading

Thursday 11 January 2007

Inspired Words: Manipulated Weather, Mars & More

Visionary art inspired by a recent experience:

It was early evening a few nights ago. I gazed out of the rear of our house at the sky to my left. I had no reason to do this. The light had just begun to fade. I had a strange feeling relating to the clouds which were beginning to form as I watched them. I wandered outside. The air was still, quiet, unnatural. A storm was building and a gentle wind seemed to be coming from every direction.

I looked up the sky again. Briefly, I noticed three or four translucent orbs in the sky. They were hovering briefly above the tree line. I perceived they were from the otherworld or otherworlds.

For some reason there is an intervention into the earth's weather at this time. Mankind is tampering with something he doesnt understand ... or maybe does understand! It is upsetting the finely balanced mechanism of the illusory web we call life. There are forced manipulating it to their own means.

There are also forces who are counter balancing this malevolence. These orbs were such a force ...

Later that evening there was a program on the builders of Stonehenge and New Grange. What the presenter was saying felt total bullshit to me! Millions of man hours spent scraping rocks into shape with other rocks! Lifting the rocks with hundreds of men ... primitives making these temples!

I had the insight of a very advanced humanoid race of survivors living on the earth at the time the stone circles and the like were made. With them was their technology. They were able to create these wonderful stone temples in memory of their home world ...

These were our true ancestors. Not the primitives we are led to believe we were.

The stones would have been crafted into shapes by precise lasers. The stones lifted into place by careful and deliberate sound harmonics. Vibrate the stones to the right pitch and they would lose the hold of gravity. Magnetise the stones correctly and they could be lifted easily by one or two people ...

This is true of the pyramids of Egypt; those of the Aztecs etc and all the other artifacts around the world ...

We have been deceived by a malevolent force which developed our genetics for its own purposes when it realised the potential of this world ... maybe following the benevolent force to this world and fighting them. Maybe they were already here ... but Neanderthal man was a genetic fusion between an alien DNA and a monkey/gorilla DNA to create a slave race ....

The pyramid and stone builders were either made to leave this world or were all destroyed by the malevolent ones ...

These ancestors were the Blue Eyed Blond Atlanteans ... the gods of the ancients ... and their enemy and our current rulers were the malevolent evil of latter Egypt and latter Atlantis ... the Sons Of Belial ..

They who rule the 'unruly' slave race today ... they who exploit the resources of the planet and perversely use mankind for their own means ... they are culling mankind because we are too many ....

Hopefully if the ancient builders are still out there they know our plight and will help salvage this planet before it is destroyed ... like Mars suffered a nuclear holocaust ... and Jupiter maybe ... Mars was our home world once ...

Before the Belialians ruined that paradise too ...

It may be down to the DNA hybrids on the planet at the moment to overcome Belial. The genetic ancestory directly from the ancient stone builders who the malevolent ones have tried to eradicate throughout the ages .....

We are here ... and we have had our DNA antenna attuned ... switched on ... boosted and directed out into the far reaches of space where our true awareness exists ... from there we are able to direct our dream puppets within the dream web to realise and to remember ...

It is then what we are meant to do which we have either forgotten ... or have not been told as yet ... because we know Belial has the technology to spy into our minds and influence. Perhaps if we knew then it would be broadcast into the computers of the enemy.

The time has to arrive when we do know because collectively us ancient ones are back ... we are here in numbers and we are drawn to the places we once resided in ... where the stone circles and places of power reside ...

We find the reversal of the energies there ... but we understand and we compensate ....


Matthew James Jan 2007

Now is all of this speculation?

Interesting though .....???