Further Reading

Thursday 11 January 2007


Definitions of KUNDALINI on the Web:

“coiled one” cosmic energy, that lies dormant in a coiled form in the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine. this extremely subtle force, also described as the supreme goddess, is awakened and begins to purify the entire being. As Kundalini travels upward through the central channel, She pierces the various chakras, finally reaching the sahasrara at the crown of the head. There, the individual soul merges into the supreme Self and attains the state of Self-realization

“She who is coiled”; the female energy that lies coiled at the base of the yogic body. Through combined techniques, the Kundalini is “awakened” and made to rise through the charkas to the cranial vault.

"Serpent power," the primordial cosmic energy in every individual which lies coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine and rises up the sushumna nadi. Through yoga it is awakened and made to rise up the chakras to the crown or sahasrara chakra.

A form of yoga practised in India, primarily in the school of Tantra. The term means 'serpent power', the energy which is believed to lie dormant in the human being and which through breath c ontrol and other means is made to travel through various chakras (see above) along the spine to be ultimately united with universal energy or Godhead in the Sahasrara Chakra (the thousand-petaled lotus) located in the top of the head.

a form of yoga (often associated with tantric rituals) that lays emphasis on the spine, sometimes imagined as a serpent to be tamed.

(Sanskrit) Blissful energy dormant within the physical body, aroused through tantric practice and used to generate penetrative insight into the true nature of reality.

("snake"). The spiritual force in every human being that lies at the base of the spine, coiled like a snake. It is also called "serpent power." Once awakened through yoga and meditation, it rises through the chakras, producing spiritual knowledge and mystical powers.

Sanskrit word meaning serpent power; tremendous life-force energy centered at the base of the spine.

The Kundalini (kundala=coil of a rope; Kundalini=a coiled female serpent) is the divine cosmic energy. This force or energy is symbolised as a coiled and sleeping serpent lying dormant in the lowest nerve centre at the base of the spinal column, the Muladhara-chakra. This latent energy has to be aroused and made to ascend the main spinal channel, the Susumna piercing the chakras right up to the Sahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus in the head.

Literally means the 'coiled one". Like the earth, the body has two magnetic poles; one in the crown, the other situated near the base of the spine and called, Kundalini. Kundalini has the unique property of recognising and responding to the perfectly aligned energy of a Siddha Master. Thus 'awakened', it begins a spontaneous and irresistable inner journey through the six energy centres of the body, towards its counterpart in the crown. In most people the journey is not direct.

A serpentine power that lies coiled up at the far end of the spinal cord and is awakened by the Yogi, through various kriyas which when roused up helps to cross the various bodily centres leading up to Sahsarar or the thousand-petalled Lotus behind the eyes which is the goal of all the yogis. It is because of this that sometimes it is designated as Kundalini Yoga.

Yoga teaching regarding a psychic force coiled at the base of the spine. This force is dormant until awakened through Yoga teachings and techniques. The force then ascends to the chakras, or energy centers in the body, activating them and creating psychic abilities appropriate to the centers activated.

A Sanskrit word meaning snake, kundalini symbolizes the spiritual energy that lies sleeping, coiled like a serpent, at the base of the spine. As it awakens, it moves upward along the spine, into and through one center (chakra) after another, expressing or manifesting itself in various ways appropriate to each level, until finally it emerges through the top of the head, when the separate self (not to mention kundalini itself!

Yog Shakti: Absolute pure Energy; the power of the Self which is permeating every visible and invisible reality, including the mind which grasps them. Every meaning, every sound and every thing manifests out of Kundalini. The practice of meditation awakens this energy which has become confined to the mind, body and senses, and allows it to reunite with the universal source.

One of the forces of nature; the power of Life. It is concentrated and centered within the spine and known primarily to those who attune to it through their spiritual practice.

The phenomena and system of yoga which is dedicated to the raising of 1st chakra chi to the higher chakras for the purpose of consciousness expansion.

Kundalini Shakti or Kundalini power is the vital life force present in each human being, which when activated can instill miraculous powers in him and can help him in scaling great spiritual heights.

Kundalini is the traditional Eastern name for what is called: 'The Master Circuit' within this book. Kundalini is the strongest of all human bio-energetic circuits - the ultimate bio-energetic expression of being. When this is fully activated (when Kundalini rises), a powerful, internal, snakelike energy movement is felt, often accompanied by a painful burning sensation.

(literally, coiled one): The primordial Shakti or cosmic energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine of every individual. Creator and destroyer of reality. Universal power of transformation.


The psychic energy coiled at the base of the spine. Under certain circumstances this energy can be employed in practices for awakening.

"the sleeping power". A power situated at the base of the spinal cord or Sushumna. It is described as being coiled like a serpent in sleeping which can be awakened by meditation and the practice of Hatha Yoga. When aroused the Kundaliní ascends through the chakras of the sushumna to awaken the higher centres of consciousness.

Kundalini is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning either "coiled up" or "coiling like a snake". There are a number of other translations of the term usually emphasizing a more serpent nature to the word— e.g. 'serpent power'. The caduceus symbol of coiling snakes is thought to be an ancient symbolic representation of Kundalini physiology.