Further Reading

Tuesday 27 February 2007

12th Planet - INBOUND! Part 1 (The True Cause Of Global Warming)

by Mark Hazelwood

Insiders from NASA speculate 2/3 of the population of the planet will perish during the coming pole-shift caused by the passage of Planet X in 2003. Another 2/3 of those that survive initially will pass away to starvation and exposure to the elements within 6 months.

Every secretive gov't agency in the USA is fully aware of what is expected in 2003 and are readying themselves. The Vatican is fully abreast of what is expected. The public is not being warned and given their chance to prepare. The volume of leaks from insiders, observatories, and the Vatican is going to burst the dam of this disclosure wide open.

The most important story on earth in over 3000 years is fast breaking loose from being held back by the controllers of the financial markets and major media for fear of panic and financial collapse.

The public can be given a chance to prepare by being informed. Our planet is about to go through massive regular earthchanges once again in the Spring of 2003 as a result of the passage of our 10th planet through our immediate solar system. Planet X orbits between our sun and its dark twin.

Zecharia Sitchin, the world renowned scholar, author of "The 12th Planet" and archeologist, does indicate on occasion his knowledge of the return of Nibiru AT THIS TIME!" To be too public about it would prove dangerous because of his weight in the scientific community.

A group of scientists in Russia in year 2000 held several meetings to discuss the inbound planet discovered from one of their largest observatories. A 66 year old professor and physicist let it be known he attended this meeting. This led to the infamous "2003 Problem" Reuters news service wire on Sept.13th 2000. Top Russian government officials called for a commission to study the problem which was said to expect to cause "a string of calamities and a massive population shrinkage."

They openly wondered whether Russia would still even exist as a country afterwards. Andrei Shukshin, who wrote this story, has admitted publicly he did not know why the Russian leaders were saying this and added his own speculation that didn't fit the story. All follow-up stories written to quash the disclosure elaborated on Andrei's speculation and left out key points in the original story.