Further Reading

Tuesday 27 February 2007

12th Planet INBOUND! Part 2

by Mark Hazelwood

Private contact made by a wealthy business man in Germany to a large observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia yielded significant information. The man in charge of finding new planets there admitted they've been watching Planet X for 3 years and are worried about the substantial damage it will do to Earth during its passage. The name they gave for Planet X was "Raja Sun" or "Great Star."

I recently received a call from Canada. Roy was thanking me for having received my book. His first call to a local observatory yielded the following results. An intern to the astronomers answered. Roy asked if she had heard of Planet X. She said "yes," but told him "she wasn't supposed to talk about it & the scientists were in disagreement as to whether it would cause substantial damage when it passed." Roy then asked one of the astronomers employed there with her. The astronomer said that they don't look at objects such as that.

Insiders in NASA & the military privately confirm that many of them are quietly contracting out the building of dome-homes (strongest structure known to man) in the upper USA (one of the safest areas). These domes should withstand the hurricane force winds and world wide earthquakes expected at the time. If these domes are built in the rolling hills or foothills, well away from the shorelines, major population centers, and flat plains (that are expected to flood with the constant rain and melting poles), the chances of survival are as good as you can get.There are a wide variety of alternatives to dome housing. Some are very inexpensive.

Trusting the pentagon and the government to guard itself & relay needed information to protect you is clearly illogical. Planet X is Nibiru, Wormwood, or THE MOST REVERED HEAVENLY BODY IN ALL ANTIQUITY. After 3660 years on its regular orbit, it will pass again in SPRING 2003.

Planet X's effects on Earth are clearly shown as recorded in ANCIENT TEXTS and in THE SCIENCE OF GEOLOGY & ARCHEOLOGY with each passage. I've uncovered 34 names for Planet X in my book from a wide variety of sources and since then several more like "The Destroyer."

"WHAT IS APPROACHING US?" Father Malachi Martin explains in 1997 that the celestial body approaching us will cause millions to perish during its passage in 5-10 years. Even the Vatican owns its own telescope. VATT (Vartican Advanced Technology Telescope) is operated out of the Mt. Graham Observatory located in SE Arizona.http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo/vatt.html

The purpose for Mt. Graham International Observatory is explained in an interview with Art Bell. The actual time of the clip is April 5th, 1997at 4:30AM PST. The complete broadcast begins Friday, April 4th, 1997 at 10 PM PST.Malachi Martin's background: Father Malachi Martin, eminent theologian, expert on the Catholic Church, former Jesuit and professor at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute, is the author of the national best-sellers Vatican, The Final Conclave, Hostage to the Devil, and The Jesuits. He was trained in theology at Louvain. There he received his doctorates in Semitic Languages, Archeology and Oriental History. He subsequently studied at Oxford and at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. From 1958 to 1964 he served in Rome, where he was a close associate of the renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea and Pope John XXIII. Martin passed away late 1999. Some believe his death was a result of his open disclosures of the inbound planet and that the Vatican did not want to reveal this was also tied to the 3rd Secret of Fatima.

I understand that the Catholic church sponsors and engages in scientific studies and not just to prove biblical history.As of late there's been a rash of observatories that have closed their doors for various reasons. Many will simply not point their equipment for anyone in the direction of the Orion constellation if they do remain open. Some will give an excuse that there is some sort of obstruction in the way or equipment failure. All at once, renovations are their favorite excuse. Griffith Observatory is the latest of a handful of the nation's oldest planetariums to undergo major renovations in recent years. Others include the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum in Chicago and the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York. Coincidental or not, there are other observatories in various countries doing the same thing at this time.