Further Reading

Tuesday 27 February 2007

12th Planet INBOUND! Part 3

by Mark Hazelwood

X has INTENTIONALLY BEEN MADE TO SOUND RIDICULOUS and confusing for several reasons. One of which is to avoid causing panic among the world's population. Many websites and articles continue to be written about Planet X that spread lies. They say it only MAY exist or there's no evidence for its existence or it comes around only once every few million years if it does exist. This disinformation is widespread. The second layer of disinformation is for people that have done their homework and absolutely know that Planet X does exist. For them, the disinformation artists are saying it will not arrive in our lifetime.

Lastly, for the observatories that are completely aware of Planet X and its arrival time, they are saying "keep quiet and don't worry, nothing will happen during the passage."

** X's MASS, HIGH-PLASMA-CHARGED MAGNETISM and DENSITY is such that it DISRUPTS the surface of EVERY PLANET IT PASSES. In fact, history shows approximately 7 YEARS PRIOR to its passage that its far reaching electromagnetic and gravitational influence changes Earth's core flows, TRIGGERING MAJOR WEATHER CHANGES. VOLCANIC and SEISMIC ACTIVITY start to change 3-4 decades prior to each passage.

Since early 1996 traditional WEATHER has CHANGED DRAMATICALLY, breaking all time records regularly. The up-tick of QUAKES, VOLCANIC INCIDENTS and changes in ELECTROMAGNETICS are being kept out of the media as much as possible. Weather alone can falsely be blamed on global warming & sun cycles but not earth's rumblings and solar system wide changes at the same time.

99% of the universe is made up of charged-plasma. Planets are dense-charged-plasma-spheres. The approach of Planet X back into our immediate solar system is sending a tremendous amount of plasma energy particles and electricity to all the planets in our solar system via the filamentary magnetic field lines that criss-cross the universe. The entire Universe is a web of electricity and plasma is the conductor.

"Plasma has been called the "fourth state" of matter, after solids, liquids and gases. Most of the matter in the universe is in the form of plasma. A plasma is formed if some of the negatively charged electrons are separated from their host atoms in a gas, leaving the atoms with a positive charge. The negatively charged electrons, and the positively charged atoms (known as positive ions) are then free to move separately under the influence of an applied voltage or magnetic field. Their net movement constitutes an electrical current. So, one of the more important properties of a plasma is that it can conduct electrical current. It does so by forming current filaments that follow magnetic field lines. Filamentary patterns are ubiquitous in the cosmos."

"With the advent of radio telescopes it was found that plasma in space is threaded with magnetic fields. Astrophysicists have been content to assume that magnetic fields are "trapped" in plasma. It keeps the mathematics "do-able". However, to trap magnetic fields, plasma would need to be a superconductor. But plasma physicists know that is not the case. So the observed magnetic fields must naturally decay as their stored energy is radiated away across the electromagnetic spectrum."from:www.holoscience.com/eu/synopsis/2.teu.html

** The media would have you believe that it is the pollution of our industrial civilization that is the cause of the weather changes or has caused global warming over the last few years. They fail to mention the seismic and volcanic changes occurring simultaneously.

** When you understand how our sun and all the planets of our solar system are also being effected by Planet X's approach, you'll see how ridiculous the media cover-up becomes.Volcanic and seismic activity have increased 500 percent since 1975. All planets are changing. Basically, all the planets and sun are experiencing unusual phenomena, increased activity, and unusual weather.

This is the Russian perspective on earth changes. Hard facts that are going unreported in America. The atmospheres of the planets are changing. Dr. Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres. For example, the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere. Also, Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere which is made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as "Natrium." Dmitriev says that, around the moon there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

Plus, we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just showing up.

Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. The planets are experiencing sizable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between its moon. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently.The planets are having a change in their magnetic fields. They are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is changing.Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are changing.Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big changes.

The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories:

1.Energy field changes,
2.luminosity changes, and
3. atmospheric changes.

Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993. This does not take into account the largest increases that have taken place in the last 8-9 years since then!

Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters to come up with these figures. The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901. So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes.

Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research.

The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent. That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic. All this is happening all at the same time and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden pole shift.