Further Reading

Saturday 24 March 2007

Thirty Years Of The Same

Can the inspirational mood be trusted? When with pen or with fingers on the laptop keys; is it true that channelled writings takes place? Does an awareness or consciousness from a different dimension reach out and provide the inspiration and the message to write?

Or is it merely the ego wishing it was the case?

Or perhaps a dark and devious human agency has the ways and the means to plant those thoughts and provide that train of thinking to mislead the sensitive souls among us to believe they are being contacted by 'aliens' from across the galaxies.

Iam a victim too if that is the case ...

But then. It must be a very clever and well devised means of mind control. It has therefore had a 'hold on' me since I was of an early age. And it has been consistent. It has been convincing. It has me totally delusional. It also has the ability of telepathy in order to provide written information on human souls I have never met; or know nothing about. Thus I challenge the dark and devious plot as a likely reality; I've been provided with so much 'mediated' information concerning clients over the years with an accuracy of 85% or more. Therefore, if it is technology then it is highly advanced.

I suspect however, it is technology. I suspect there is non-human interference and interaction. By way of test or control or perhaps to earn my trust; or catch me off guard.

But then. The channelled information has been consistent for nearly 30 years. And that which it has been 'given to me' is now taking place as it was said. I thus must accept that the visitors in the skies above us gather as salvation in this a most desperate time. A time when the dark lord and his power mad fools have speeded up their agenda; not because they see us as sitting ducks and easy targets. But because their time is running out; or has run out. Thus we see the cracks appear in the walls they have so cleverly built. They are careless now because they haven't the time to waste and must take the risks. They must complete their agenda sooner than planned. Therefore by some technological means they speed up time to bring 2012 that bit closer. They make the days and the weeks rush by ... to enable something they need to be achieved come quicker. Because I sense they know what is truly up there. They know the force out there is too powerful for them to overwhelm. They know too ... that infiltrators are within their ranks and volunteers have incarnated to within the quarantine zone. To help harness and prepare the sheep in readiness for the change in vibration. A veil does lift. Trigger words abound in the writings I receive. Trigger words to unlock the blocks which the dark lord had placed in human minds by its servants - the greys who have so desperately abducted influential strains of DNA in an attempt to seperate us all from the outside forces. Greys who have so desperately tampered with human DNA and created hybrids and clones to replace those which the dark lord knows are among the sheep. Science fiction? Vivid imagination? I doubt that. This message has been constant for thirty years. No matter what proof I demand; I receive. No matter what reassurance; it comes. There is a change coming forth in this my virtual reality. Within my consciousness. And what happens to one like the domino effect shall take place within us all. I know too I am not the only one. There are so many souls receiving and thinking the same way.