Further Reading

Sunday 25 March 2007

The Two Hour Jump

It's been a day of usual phenomenon. Different but overall the same. Movement around me; shadows; voices; impressions. Just the same. But I'm glad the day is now albeit over. Something is in the air. Some pressure is building. Obviously The Elite have an influence on the global feel with the prospect of invasion in Iran that much closer. Timed almost to 'perfection' new sanctions are imposed on Iran, at the time British troops just happen to be hijacked for trespassing in Iranian waters. It is too coincidental. So the pressure can build again. The global warming scam issue is raising its head; as is the ever effervescent 9/11 & the murder of Diana. I doubt these issues will go away. They are causing pressure. But they don't feel to me like the cause of the new pressure building I sense. The USA close in on New Zealand (and its Taranaki Oil field). The US want New Zealand to be Nuclear to offer free trade. I wonder if it is perhaps that they want their nuclear powered submarines and the like to enter New Zealand waters? Anyway. Its none of these that cause the pressure. It is something else. I cannot realise it at the moment.

But just as I was preparing for this the final entry of the week; I witnessed the clock on the bottom right of my computer desktop jump from 11:43 to 1:43. A two hour jump. Its never happened before. Probably nothing. But its unusual. Good enough to catch my eye and my interest. I'd had a pin prick like pressure half way up my spine ten minutes before. Its an old way for intelligences to communicate with me. A prod in the back or on the shoulder, 'you have a facsimile communication coming to you'.

Today was 'The Judgement' card on an regular daily reading Kristine gets via the e-mail. Changes are coming to us. Necessary as one era ends abruptly. I await that with 'concern'?? Na. With sceptism. I've already dismissed my daily merlin entries. I feel my mediumistic days have been experimentation. I was made to think I had very impressive medium abilities. But then I have been left daring to defy it all?

So this change. Why can't my sentience pick it up? I know there is no such thing as death or life or existence or debt or any of these mortal things. I know it is an illusion and a game. They are all thought forms. Thoughts which mould me. Thoughts I can break the pattern of and change the scene before me. It is possible. First I need to break the bubble which holds us in this current malaise. Im sure this is the essence of the pressure building. But it is on a cosmic level. Something beamed to the all. A transmission which all DNA antenna receive. Something the elite have tried to change. But are unable.

But only 'time will tell'. Anyway. I expect something profound to take place in the early hours. The signals indicate this.