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Thursday, 19 April 2007
Blacksburg: Another spell of dark alchemy
Another terrible attrocity in America. This time the slaying of innocent lives by a mind controlled robot. Another sick ritual slaying by emotionless, empty minded demonic handlers who serve the hidden ones in the shadows. Another dark deception. Another dark spell cast to deceive the minds and the souls of man by the sick bastards hiding in the shadows. They can't even show their faces. They can't even let mankind know who they are. They can't even let mankind think and choose the world for themselves. They have to poison us and manipulate us before they prepare to decimate us in great numbers. I am abhored by this devious act, as are the countless millions who have seen and read about this trajedy. However I am not chemically lobotimised into buying the 'offical story'. Not one bit. It doesn't feel at all right. It leaves me with a real uneasy feeling, because I know it is DARK ALCHEMY which is occurring; rancid deceptions of a dark spell. A rapture. A glamour to deceive. I abhor the dark magic applied by the hidden ones to deceive the people of the world. The deceit is sickening. Equal in scale to Iraq, 9/11 and all the countless other dark spells cast by the hidden ones. It is history repeating itself again and again and again. They cannot gain the upperhand in this world by openly revealing themselves so they turn to dark magical means again. To wrest freewill from the minds and the hearts of human kind. Meanwhile the Dark Magi behind this latest devilry will merely go about their daily lives; not feeling any guilt; dedicated to their cause. Conscience free because they see not wrong. They see only their end result and the next atrocity. They pick up their expensive phones and press the keys on their expensive keyboards; barking out orders to their mind controlled underlings ... to control mankind further. To poison us further so we will not complain. They prepare and keep preparing ... seemingly they cannot be defeated. BUT. There must be a will and a way ... why are they so intent still on the deception and the deceit? if their victory was as close at hand as the disinformation out there would have us believe, then they could reveal their grand plan of the ages fully; without the subterfuge and the conspiracy theories and the denials?? WHY? Why more and more of these staged atrocities to force mankind along pathways to get the laws (WHICH THEY WROTE IN THE FIRST PLACE) changed? Because ... they have an opponent as strong as they'; and they are scared too. OF US!