Further Reading

Thursday, 19 April 2007

EOLH: Magical Protection

So precious be the gift of hope
to ye and all thy kind
for it endows the shield of peace
upon the troubled mind
'tis wise to use this blessing well
to nourish and to teach
then all the garden's beauty
shall be placed within thy reach ..

EOLH is primarily a rune of defence and protection. Its form represents the resistant power of the Elk, and the defensive warding of the splayed hand. Ultimate in its protection of young, the Elk will fight to the death to prevent harm from befalling its family. Eolh is an optimistic protection and offers offence against those forces or influences which are in conflict with ourselves. Once armed with this powerful magic protection, it is then possible to pursue planned objectives confident that potentially disastrous obstacles can be met and overcome.

EOLH or 'Elksedge' is my absolute protection. My experience of Eolh over the two decades of being befriended by this powerful ward indicates it is a magical talisman not to be taken lightly. It offers strength where there was nothing; it offers direction where all hope was lost. It offers a second wind when left reeling from teetering on the brink of disaster. It is like gulping down a litre of Red Bull ... the boost to the psyche is intense when this talisman let's fly; and because it is associated with the slow growing Yew tree ... its ward remains long and is a hardy repellent against the forces which oppose.