Further Reading

Monday 23 April 2007

Designer derision

Bloodline abduction
Through a cruel seduction
Enforcing seclusion through delusion
At a time when a Mage was blind
Changing a life plan inexplicably
No way back now …
Back to the turn of the wheel
Back to that point in the circle
Because blood is a conduit:
A channel for control to reach along ...

Restraints and restrictions
Moral addictions … a pessimistic mind set
A curse within material life
Endless strife despite the power of ancient blood
Revealed within the circle .
All stood and all were silent
For the mage is powerless
Until that channel has been removed
Only when the anger recedes
But it is programmed to be through his life in its entirety
As long as the product of the abducted blood lives
A mind derived out of illusion
Directing its venom along the channel
To deep within the psyche
Influencing every thought; every deed
Governing the mind set from within
And the blinded was unaware until now
But is powerless to change that mechanism
It was skilfully designed by those who oppose
To cast an avenging faction into the vibration
Creating thus a perpetual daily psychosis
A curse to prevent him finding success
The barrier is formed through hatred, guilt and envy
Those opposing minds direct that energy even now
That which he is unlikely to overcome
The generated barrier which destroys
Which despises love
That which works on his psyche
And rots him from the inside
Because of guilt
The effect of the delusion
That spell he must somehow eradicate
Especially now it has been finally comprehended