Further Reading

Monday 23 April 2007

Junk food overload

Britain’s children are fatter, lazier, angrier and more prone to allergies and conditions such as diabetes and depression than ever before.

Childhood obesity is rampant for one reason and one reason only – because irresponsible parents don’t know how to feed their children properly and give in to their demands for unhealthy treats all too easily. The case of eight-year-old, 14 stone Connor McCreaddie prompted widespread debate over the state of children’s health and the role of parents in ensuring their children eat a well-balanced diet, with the boy’s mother coming in for a torrent of abuse for feeding him nothing but junk food and teaching him zilch about the values of a healthy diet.

The answer? Let them run around outside, feed them the right foods, and stop them from spending too much time on the sofa.

Extracts taken from http://health.uk.msn.com/family/parenting/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4739283