Further Reading

Sunday, 15 April 2007

'Heaven' between heavens

Thought transfer is another way that people are controlled and manipulated.

The Reptilian mind becomes the human mind and you can see this happening all the time as the Reptilian 'hive' mind becomes the human 'hive' mentality. Between dimensions, in this case between the third dimension (the five-senses) and the next one, the fourth dimension, are little 'crevices' of frequency, almost like neutral zones. The Italian physicist Giuliana Conforto calls them "inter-space planes" and they lie between the dimensions or, as the scientists called them in the Horizon programme, parallel universes. It is in the inter-space plane, Giuliana suggested to me, that the Reptilians and other entities reside. This is the realm of the "demons" of folklore that have been frightening and manipulating humans for as long as ancient accounts record. I rang Credo Mutwa, the Zulu Sanusi (shaman) and official historian of the Zulu nation, to ask him if these 'inter-space planes' were part of his understanding. "Oh yes", he said. "We call them the heaven between heavens and that's where the reptiles are."

In frequency terms, the inter-space plane is very close to the range of the fivesenses, but a fraction outside, just beyond the range that we can see. However, if someone with psychic sight can extend their vibrational range a little they can connect with that frequency range and see some of these entities and they do. People who have taken mind-altering drugs that break through the vibrational walls of the five-senses and allow their consciousness to see beyond it have had the same experience. Also, if these entities lower their vibration only slightly to enter the five-sense range they become visible to us here.

"The only explanation that anyone could come up with is that the particles don't just exist in our universe. They slip into existence in other universes, too, and there are an infinite number of these parallel universes, all of them slightly different."

It is possible for particles to move between 'universes' or 'realities' and 'dimensions' and so it is possible for entities to do the same. This is a major reason why the Illuminati bloodlines have taken part in their rituals from ancient times to the present day. The rituals allow them to connect with their masters in the inter-space planes, not least because human blood and the vibrational fields created by the rituals produce the frequency environment in which the Reptilians and other entities can manifest in the five-sense frequency range. Credo Mutwa has described to me how he witnessed rituals decades ago at which people in the room shifted from a human to a reptilian form, but there have been countless other people from very different cultures and backgrounds who have described the same experience of what happens once the blood begins to flow.

"Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into this cycle, formless were they, of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Only through blood could they form being, only through man could they live in the world."