The Sumerian Tablets tell of how the original breeding programme was headed by the chief scientist of the Anunnaki, called Enki, or "Lord of the Earth" (Ki = Earth), and their expert in medicine, Ninkharsag, also known as Ninti ("Lady Life"). Mesopotamian depictions portray her holding a horseshoe-shaped tool used at that time to cut the umbilical cord. Another name later given to her was Mammi, from which came mama and mother. Mama or ma as a term for mother can be found in various languages all over the world. Ninkharsag would later be symbolised in part by the stream of mother goddess deities with names like Queen Semiramis, Isis, Barati, Artemis, Diana and the Biblical Mary. These were also used to symbolise the feminine principle as goddesses of the Moon or waters, which are considered the feminine balance to the masculine Sun.
After many failures and some horrendous creations, the Tablets indicate, Enki and Ninkharsag produced a human hybrid that the Sumerians called a LV.LV ("One Who Has Been Mixed") - which appears to be the Biblical "Adam'~ This was the splicing together of the DNA of the Anunnaki with that of the human form known as Homo erectus.
Some of these hybrids were designed to rule as the 'middlemen' or 'demi-gods' between the Anunnaki and the people.
What the Bible calls "Adam", the 'first man', is likely to be symbolic of "the Adam", a genetic stream not an individual. The Biblical "Eve" was supposed to have been created from a rib of Adam, but the word from which "rib" derived was the Sumerian, TI, which means both rib and life according to the translations of Zecharia Sitchin. To be created from the "life" or life essence of the Adamic race makes rather more sense than a rib. In the same way, the "dust from the ground" from which the Bible claims that Adam was created, really translates as "that which is life" from the Sumerian term, TI.IT.
Appropriately, the Sumerian name for humans was LV, which has the root meaning of worker or servant and also implies a domesticated animal like a sheep. Does that not describe the nature of human life today and for a long time past? My own research leads me to think that the claims that the Anunnaki created the human form as we know it all over the world are exaggerated. There have been many examples of interbreeding between humanity and the 136 extraterrestrial 'gods' of various origins and races and not just the Anunnaki. It was more that the Anunnaki created DNA streams or bloodlines to suit their agenda and they have continued to infuse their DNA into human blood streams.
They seek to rewire the DNA to close down humanity's interdimensionalcommunication and telepathic powers. This puts us in a vibrational prison in which most can perceive only the very narrow frequency range accessed by our physical senses.
Official history says that certain human forms died out to be followed by new ones and thus Neanderthal man was followed by Cro-Magnon man and then Homo sapiens or modern man. But archaeologists working in the Middle East have discovered evidence to show that all these physical forms existed during the same period. The 'missing link' that would
connect them and explain the sudden and dramatic changes and appearance of their physical forms has never been found because the establishment of academia would rather stay ignorant than utter the 'E' word - extraterrestrial.
Source: 'Tales From The Time Loop' by David Icke