Further Reading

Monday 30 April 2007

Migrating Shaman

A world of unrelenting white stands beyond the opening to that stony home
A cold wind stirs the brush which surround that womb
A welcoming fire hides in the deeper recesses,
In a familiar world within the earth, away from that bitter world
And the Shaman sits in silent contemplation, cross-legged, beside that conflagration
His thoughts are distant; on the wings of the eagle; beyond the live-giver,
Connected is he with another world ...

“The Great Mother cries out to me in the night,
Soon I must leave behind this safe refuge deep within her craggy mountains;
I must venture cross this desperate lands,
Beyond the plains where no sight of the buffalo ever comes
Past the raging river who’s waters are tainted red with the heartless killings of the white man
Somehow I will gain safe passage through their cities of death and abomination
and venture to a new land; one where I can gain some time
For I know the end times are upon this sorry earth;
I have read the signs and know the fiery god comes
to crush the lands and burn the skies and redeem the mother of her burdens
For the dark ones must leave behind these lands.”

He can barely stand as he opens his eyes and waits for orientation to return
Human form is temporarily a mystery, he has forgotten
So far into the spirit lands did he fly,
and it was with regret he made his return, his kindred warriors urging him on
For he is the last of his kind, alone in this demon land
Charged by the spirits of the Elders to reach his goal
A distant land where the ancestors once lived in peace
A land once split by mighty upheaval, cast adrift on those molten seas
Coming to rest in a different ocean ... its treasures then hidden for ten thousand years
Now ready to be reclaimed by the chosen; over-run by a warlike race
A race reluctant to relinquish those magical lands

And he, The Eldritch Shaman, permits the spirits to see through his eyes
and fill his mind with their wisdom; surging realisations rocking his consciousness
And he becomes their tool, forced to disregard his life on a wanton vision quest
Charging him with total trust in their declarations
Thus he is now ready to make that journey, for he has nothing now; he cannot remain
Lest he die, poisoned by the toxins in the air, in the food, in the soil
He knows, with that perception, it is not that difficult a choice to make at all ...

“Great Spirit, protect me, lead me to that magical destination
Permit me to have the voice and the words that others will listen to
Allow me to be your tool there,
Lead your people to the success they deserve, through me
I am your servant, I ask only for a happy life
I ask for fulfilment and an ascension on the wheel
Grant me passage to the star worlds
For there are many souls there I wish to visit
Friends of mine I have not seen for so long
Ever since your impressions touched my spirit and I agreed to this mighty fall
I am your humble servant and I have done all that you ask so far,
I ask now that you grant me this wish in payment for all I have sacrificed for you”

Original Artwork 'Sarcen Magnetics' By Matthew James