Further Reading

Monday 30 April 2007

Virtual revelations

So it appears that the creator god to the virtual creation known as 'mankind' is Enki. And we are intelligences trap in the material world within the virtual creation known as 'mankind'. Our true reality is beyond this material status. In our time as 'mankind' we forget where we truly come from; who our true identities really are ... and exactly how the process of us becoming trapped in the virtual creation in the first place. We forget too the relationship which must exist between our real intelligence and the intelligence behind the Anunnaki false gods. If indeed this material existence is nothing more than an experience within a virtual reality world created by a genetic computer, then we have a life and an identity outside of all of this. In a different reality entirely. Or is this virtual reality based on our true reality, much like virtual computer & console games are loosely based on the 'outside world?'

I know from years of communication and contacts that what we perceive as 'the spirit world' is NOT the other side. It is a continuation of the virtual reality but on a higher vibration. A higher vibration with its own laws and attributes; one of which is the existence of physical forms that vibrate higher than here.

The true other side exists beyond this virtual reality. For the moments we are within this reality ... and it will be moments to our true selves outside of these constraints ... we are somehow made to forget our origins and our true persona's. Why? And how?

I grasp now the process of 'forgetting' and the memories of 'remembering'. I'm now curious having gained a degree of enlightenment if true enlightenment is connection with the other side beyond the virtual reality. All the new age mumbo jumbo about separating from the selfish separate self and linking with the higher or true self ... is that referring to linking with a part of our consciousness beyond this vibration but still within the virtual universe? Or is it the moment when a connection is made between here, in this virtual reality, and the true other side beyond the virtual reality?

I intend to continue this journey of discovery and unearth (or truly remember) these momentous realisations. It is after all within us all to know these facts. As we are all perfect replicas of the total hologram it means we have the answers in every cell and in every crevice of our DNA.

We can remember if we reprogram our consciousness to do so. We've been programmed somewhere along the line to forget our origins and the mighty truths which go with it .... did we volunteer to have this amnesia? Or is it forced upon us as we descend into the virtual game? How is the link made on the true other side? Is it like being linked to a computer terminal in 'The Matrix' ... as simple as that ... with the commencement of the game when we are 'born' as a baby? I think so ....

My research to date, over the last 36 years, has revealed some astonishing revelations. Revelations I am only now 'able' to discuss. They have remained dormant in my awareness for the best part of my life ... intentionally? But now the amnesia is lifting ... lifting ... lifting .... should this posting be at the very start of the blog ... or at the end??