Further Reading

Monday 28 May 2007

The Flaming Sword & The Path Of The Serpent

KETHER - MALKUTH (The Lightning Flash)
This FIRST movement is considered, in Cabala tradition, to convey the secrets of creation. The movement is of the macrocosm - the universe around us. On the tree itself, the first relates to the Sephiroth. This first or descending pattern follows the numerical order of the Sephiroth from Kether down to Malkuth. Because of its distinctive zig-zag course down the tree it has traditionally been called ‘The Lightning Flash.

The Lightning Flash is the primary course of creative energy through the Sephiroth, mapped onto the structure of the pillars. Its pathway originating in the World Of The Atziluth (The Atziluthic ‘Plane) - travelling downwards into the World Of Briah - downwards still into the World Of Yetzirah - before arriving in the World Of Assiah. It can be seen to have the meaning of energy originating from the ‘archetypal world’ outside of this reality, travelling down through the creative world to the formation world before arriving finally in the material world (‘making a dream, a reality!’)

Note that the part of the flash between Binah and Chesed does not follow any of the paths; this gap is yet another representation of the Abyss - the most important of the barriers on the tree.

Note also, the rhythm of the flash from expansion to contraction then back to balance in the centre - this rhythmic pattern is a moving response to the ebb and the flow of the polarity forces - which appears again and again in the energetics of the tree.

The Lightning Flash has another significance in Cabalistic theory - it is also known as The Flaming Sword. Tradition has it that each of the Sephiroth - in the first phase of the creative act - take shape as unbalanced and unharmonised centres of energy. This imbalance is personified as a demonic entity - the term is ‘negative power’ - as opposed to the endearing traditional name of Qlippoth (negative shard or shell). The balancing and harmonising of each Sephira by the descending energy of creation takes on the imagery of a war against the powers of chaos. As the sword, the descending energy from Sephira to Sephira becomes a talismanic weapon defeating and casting out destructive forces; in practical magic, the formula of the sword is thus one of the principal tools of the magician against the inner sources of imbalance - the reflections of these demonic forces within the microcosm.

The energies of the Lightning Flash thus bring the energies of the tree down from the Sephira of absolute unity to the realm of everyday experience.

MALKUTH - KETHER (The Path Of The Serpent)
This SECOND movement is associated with the work of redemption; the transformation and healing of the human spirit. This movement is of the microcosm - the universe within us.
This second movement relates to the paths walked on the tree.

The descent of energies described in The Lightning Flash is balanced by an ascending current of energy rising from Malkuth back up the tree to Kether. This rising current follows a complex, looping path and in the traditional imagery of the Cabala it is symbolised by the image of the Path Of The Serpent. The course of which may appear strange at first glance, however it is anything but a random pathway. The Path Of The Serpent represents the opening of the paths between Sephiroth in the consciousness of the Cabala Magician. More precisely it represents opening of these paths in a particular, carefully balanced order, rising up from the base of the tree to its crown and opening up the higher levels of human awareness and potential in perfect harmony.

The Path Of The Serpent relates to the principle of polarity. Firstly - the movement from side to side of the tree, from pillar to pillar and back echoes the zigzag route of the lightning flash at a higher level of complexity. Secondly - and more importantly, each of the paths between the Sephiroth is itself a polarity relationship; a force of balance created by the conflict between two Sephiroth in interaction. Each curve of the serpent therefore represents a polarity brought into balance. In terms of the human microcosm, it represents the joining together of two aspects of consciousness into a greater wholeness.