Further Reading

Monday 28 May 2007

The Flaming Sword: Qabalistic Numerology

Now, this is particularly advanced Kabbalah, which will go above the heads of most people.

But there is reason to my madness (believe me) ... in most of the Daily Merlin predictions recently 'The Flaming Sword' has been appearing. It is not by chance. It is not by coincidence. I noted its appearance ... and I hinted at something occurring in July with Madeleine McCann ... I had good reason because I knew perceived the significance. I am certain she is safe and well .... and in early July there will be significant news about her wellbeing and her locality ...Without going too deep ...

The Flaming Sword or Lightning Flash describes the sequential emanations of the Ten Holy Sephiroth of the Qabalistic Tree of Life in a descending order, one from another, from the most rare and ethereal to the densest of gross matter. Springing forth from the triple clouds of the Unmanifest - the Ain Soph Aur, the Flaming Sword turns from right to left seven times as it traces the Path of involution from Kether unto Malkuth, from Spirit into Matter. This Path, which is also the Path of Return or Evolution, could therefore be described as the Way (an idea which is mirrored by Buddha's Middle Path and Lao Tsu's Tao, both expressed as a conductive hollow channel - Nothing or Naught - 0).

The Path of the Flaming Sword has its hilt in Kether - the Crown, also called Yechidah - Unity, a word valued at 37 by Hebraic gematria. This Unity is the Centre point which accretes from the boundless All and Naught of the Unmanifest (Ain Soph Aur), which is allocated the Sacred Cipher 0 - None. This Point, according to the Euclidian geometric axiom, has position but no measure, and is everywhere found in Infinite Space. It is self-existent and alone, and allocated the number 1 - One - Unity.

In this way we can view the 0 as Nothing, the infinite circle of Heaven, of Infinite Space and the Infinite Stars thereof - ISIS by notariqon, the secret name of the Goddess Nuit (
Liber AL vel Legis, I:4:22). We can also view the 1, the center point, as Hadit (Liber AL vel Legis, II:1:1-3).

The NOX code is in agreement with these Qabalistic and Thelemic concepts, for HADIT = 37, the number of Yechidah - Unity (and the Key number of the series of tripartite numbers 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, and 999 - i.e. 3 x 37 = 111, etc.). Additionally, NUIT = 60 = ZERO.

From its hilt in Kether, the Flaming Sword turns left and right upon the Tree of Life, tracing the subsequent emanations of each of the Ten Sephiroth - Kether, Chockmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth. Its path is defined by the nine Paths which link each Sephira or sphere, these being assigned the Hebrew letters Aleph/1, Daleth/4, Gimel/3, Teth/9, Lamed/30, Nun/50, Peh/80, Resh/200, and Tau/400. The Path linking Binah to Chesed was assigned the letter Gimel by
Crowley, since it is the only Path which crosses the hidden Sephira Daath. The sum value of these Hebrew letters by rabbinical Gematria is the tripartite number 777 - hence the title of Aleister Crowley's Qabalistic Masterwork

Behold! The Sacred Cipher 1 = A = 0 achieves Unity with the Hebrew Qabalah! When we add the sum numerological values for the established, accepted, and published English spellings of the Hebrew titles for each of the Ten Sephiroth as well as each of the Triple Veils of the Unmanifest from which they emanate - we arrive at one of the the most awe-inspiring equation of all our A = 0 metaphors:


Therefore The Flaming Sword signifies a specific date ... 7th July 2007 .... is something significant planned on this date? Is it coincidental that Madeleine McCann has disappeared? Or is this just pure supposition on my part ... on the part of an 'over active imagination' .... I say this, watch out for around 7th July 2007 for news of Madeleine McCann ...

Reference Source