Further Reading

Thursday 10 May 2007

A follow up to the FSA report

As a follow up to the study funded by the government's Food Standards Agency(FSA) which confirmed that additives in foods is poisoning our kids; the report which was featured in A Light In The Darkness earlier in the week, Jeff Rense has this to say. Basically I can only agree with him:

The vile, despicable commercial food industry has been POISONING hundreds of millions of children and destroying the lives of many of them for decades...with total, leering impunity. There has never been any question that these chemicals and 'additives' approved as 'safe' by the hideously corrupt Monsanto/Big Pharma/Factory Farming/AMA-dominated FDA - and the FSA in the UK - are toxic, life-altering, life-destroying POISONS.

So, now with an 'official' study finally on the table, what will U.S. food conglomerates and 'candy' companies and corporations do to voluntarily to clean up their products? Probably nothing. We all know what to expect from the FDA: more corruption, deal-making, lies, deceit, obfuscation (how about aspartame for one small example) and the ultimate sacrificing of human lives, especially our children, to the chemical additive and food preservative industries. Read these quotes from the following story carefully:

"The consequences can be very serious for both children and adults...The reaction in children can be horrendous in terms of mood swings with crying, screaming, inability to sleep...There can also be physical reactions such as difficulty in breathing on skin rashes. For a young person there is also a risk of quite angry mood swings."

Now, one would hope it wouldn't take any more information than that to enable people to also see the DIRECT CAUSAL LINK between the knowing poisoning of children's food with toxic additives and preservatives, and the mega-BILLION dollar psychotropic childhood drugging industry with its front line destroyer/killers of Ritalin and its stable of antidepressant SSRIs which permanently, physically change the brain and decimate the lives in countless human beings. Is there collusion between the 'food protection agencies' (FDA, FSA, etc) and the pharmaceutical industry? At the very LEAST, there is a luxurious, astronomically profitable trillion dollar symbiotic interaction.

The food additive chemical poisoning of our children (and adults) into aberrant, dysfunctional, 'anti-social' mental and psychological behavior which is then 'treated' by the complicit and seemingly insane psychological/medical industry which leaps to put put children on their killer medications to 'correct' what are usually nothing more than toxic chemical reactions is beyond heinous. The black humor of poisoned children being diagnosed NOT as having been poisoned but as suffering from phony disorders like ADD, ADHD and other 'anti-social' and learning disability monikers boggles the mind and should send a surge of outrage through every parent on the planet.

So, don't say we, and thousands of others, haven't been trying to warn of this for the last 20-plus years. Read labels, buy only organic and NON-GMO, and try to give your children (and yourselves) a fighting chance for a normal life. God knows there are dozens of other destroyers of lives waiting and lurking to greet them as they grow up.

- Jeff Rense, Editor-in-Chief