Further Reading

Thursday 10 May 2007

The mind control effects of additives & junk food

I need to also follow up to the recent ‘not so surprising’ report released on the additive poisons in foodstuffs, which kids are so readily digesting without so much as a concern, as it is not difficult to witness first hand the effects the intentional poisoning is having on the current younger generation. There is a notable difference in their behaviour and their eating habits when compared with myself as a teenage. There really is NO comparison. Back in the mid-70’s we as kids were physically & mentally more active than our counterparts in 2007. We rarely watched TV; were busily learning about the world around us. Plus we had a better sense of wellbeing and a real eagerness to learn new things. OK, so our diets were maybe not perfect. We still hated vegetables and we still loved our sweets … that is traditional for kids … but we were not subjected to the toxic poisons that are around now.

I watch with disdain as kids refuse to eat a healthy diet; they insist on stuffing their faces with sweets and biscuits at every opportunity. They require regular fixes on sugary products … the look on their faces when they eat their daily ice cream or munch their third round of sweets for the day is much like the same look a drug addict has when he or she has fed their habit. I grow in frustration as they continue to show physical signs of poisoning with bouts of extreme tiredness without any physical exercise. There is no motivation to do any physical exercise any more. They rely on parents to run them to a school which is within walking distance every day … their typical weekend centres around the TV set or the Playstation or the Computer. The crap they watch on TV is detrimental too … nothing educational. Just total meaningless drivel with all its subliminal messaging. Cartoons depicting demons and the summoning of demons. Low budget ‘comedy’ shows with ridiculous story lines and diabolical acting. They sit and they sit through all this total crap whilst their appreciation and comprehension of the world around them passes them by. There is no comprehension of the significance of the deeply occult nature of the symbols their subconscious minds are so readily digesting. No concern for the effects it is having on them now and over the long term.

It concerns me too there is no desire to learn; there is no attempt to be curious; relying only on the limited information provided by their teachers. No visits to the library as a curious soul to research matters which they’re not being taught. Back in the 70’s we were eager and inquisitive. Much of our learning was not taught at school … it was done in our own time … our minds were our own and we were able to think for ourselves without the programming and autosuggestion which is rife in the world right now. All attempts to break the apathy which I witness is met with total refusal and complete rejection of all suggestions like I’m from another planet. I merely sit back seething with rage and witness the closing down of the minds of the young generation around me. I am powerless as I watch the future of our world become little more than robots ….

I have become so critical of them when they complain of ‘sore stomachs’ or are falling asleep too early in they day. They fail to see it is their appalling diet of junk foods, junk TV and lack of decent exercise or adequate pastime stimulation that is the cause. You truly are what you eat … eat junk, think junk and see junk and you basically become junk. Its sad to say it but it is true … I cannot believe it even though I see it with my own eyes. They are so apathetic … I keep lecturing about what I did at their age. At 12 and 13 I had 2000% more learning to get through in life and we all spent more of our time outside in physical activities. We thought nothing of a 3 or 4 mile walk or ride to school and only asked our parents for lifts when it was absolutely necessary. I often used my bike to go to school which was a 10 mile round trip. Even on the days which had Sports … then my sport activity comprised a two hour bike ride on top of the ten miles. When I got home from school; had my meat and two veg and had done my two hours nightly homework, I would then get back onto my bike and undertake another 5 mile round trip to go visiting a friend at his house! So many of the young generation today would find that a real tiresome undertaking … yet we all took it in our stride as part of our daily routine.

I could go on and on.; this is a personal gripe of mine. I see it going on around me like I say … but feel helpless. I see what the Illuminati are doing … and they are succeeding. They are turning the future of mankind into robots. Turning them into to mind controlled drones …. It’s time we got our kids to wake up and stop their daily digestion of junk … so they can get their minds back.